Aaron Scott jailed after attempting to pass fake $100 bill at Governor’s Square Mall

29-year-old Aaron Scott was jailed on August 10th after attempting to purchase merchandise from Dicks Sporting Goods with a counterfeit 100-dollar bill. The complainant provided police with a picture of Scott, and he was positively identified at another store in the mall. He admitted to trying to use the bill and stated that the store wouldn’t take it. The cashier advised Scott that he was attempting to use a counterfeit bill, yet Scott continued to try to use the bill at Box Lunch and JC Penny after the initial incident at Dick’s Sporting Goods. All three stores refused the bill advising it was fake.

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DUI: Lauren Elizabeth Pipkin says she drank and took Rx meds before crashing into fence

33-year-old Lauren Pipkin was jailed on August 10th after police responded to a caller that observed a red Buick Enclave hit a fence, go the wrong way around a roundabout, drive through the grass, and park in a parking spot with the driver slumped over the wheel. When police arrived, Pipkin was still in the driver’s seat with the key inside the vehicle. She slurred her speech as she admitted to drinking alcohol and using prescription medication before driving. Police found an almost empty bottle of vodka in her passenger’s seat and asked her to consent to sobriety testing. She performed poorly and was transported to Sango ER for a blood draw.

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Sahvannah Penhollow slept while daughters injured themselves, asked neighbor for help

27-year-old Sahvannah Penhollow was awakened by police entering her home after her daughter asked the neighbor for help. The neighbor, Foster Sayles, was the one that called the police and asked them to come to the residence on Power St. because Sahvannah’s daughter told Foster through the window that she had burned her hand.

When he arrived, Officer Ventura heard the little girl in the house, so he knocked loudly. The daughter let the officer in and told them where her mother was sleeping, so he announced himself loudly. Sahvannah came out of the room, dazed as if she had just woken up, and told police that she was just asleep. Her other daughter was in the living room holding onto a chair with dry wax on her arm. The daughter that let the police in said that she burnt her balloon with a Febreeze canister in her room when she tried to cook rice and burned her hand. She said that when she reacted to burning her hand, she knocked off a candle that got into her hair and on her sister’s arm.

Police observed dirty diapers, old food, dirty pads, three-inch nails, more trash, and food all over the floor. Inside Sahvannah’s room, they found 74 grams of field-tested-positive marijuana, a glass pipe, a rolling tray, and a grinder. Penhollow was jailed on multiple counts of child abuse and drug-related charges.

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Tippers’ employee Allysa Reister bites & spits on a paramedic trying to help her

26-year-old Allysa Reister passed out and was found unresponsive at Tippers, where she works, before she reportedly bit a paramedic. Officers arrived at Tippers on May 27th and found Allysa with EMS very intoxicated on an unknown substance, unable to walk. After EMS determined that she was a danger to herself, they and CFR personnel attempted to place her on a gurney to transport her. She resisted and attempted to bite a paramedic, but first responders got her into the ambulance. While in the ambulance, the paramedics tried to get Allysa’s vitals when she bit the paramedic’s left arm. Police reported that it caused immediate bruising and drew blood. During transport, she slipped her feet restraints, kicked machines in the ambulance, and spit on the paramedic. A warrant was issued for her arrest the following day, and she was booked on that warrant this week.

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Cody Busbin charged with violating an order of protection by contacting his wife via an app

29-year-old Cody Busbin’s wife called the police and spoke to them when they arrived at the residence on Chester Harris Rd on August 5th. Jenna Busbin, his wife, told them that she had a full protection order against Cody. The order of protection states that they can only communicate through an application called “Our Family Wizard” when it pertains solely to their child. This is to include school or visitation. That day she said that Cody contacted her through the “Our Family Wizard” app to tell her to gather her belongings from a truck he was selling. Since the communication did not pertain to their child, it violated the protection order.

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Jarred Morse charged in assault of his husband after argument over infidelity

33-year-old Jarred Morse was jailed on August 7th after assaulting his husband at their home on Deer Ridge Drive. Hughes White told police he and Morse were in the living room arguing about infidelity when White told Morse he was going to call the police. Morse snatched the cell phone from his hand, which caused White to believe he would be assaulted further. He pushed Morse and was able to get his phone back to call the police. Morse made threats of harming himself and left before the police arrived.

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Jaydee Davis charged with DUI at Circle K on Dover Road

33-year-old Jaydee Davis was jailed on August 6th after police responded to a potentially impaired driver at the Circle K on Dover Road. Police observed Davis in the driver’s seat of a vehicle with the engine running and immediately noticed her speech was slurred. When she exited the vehicle, they observed Davis unsteady on her feet and asked her to consent to sobriety testing, but she was unable to complete the tasks and was taken into custody.

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Stephanie Sims jailed after assaulting another woman

39-year-old Stephanie Sims was booked on an outstanding warrant from July 20th when she reportedly punched Antoinette Bessellieu in the face after an argument between the two about Sim’s adult daughter, Nashayla Young. The punch left visible lacerations on Antionette’s face, and a warrant was issued for her arrest.

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Mark Sandfer passes out in parking lot of Electric Cowboy nightclub

31-year-old Mark Sandfer was jailed on August 5th after a passerby found him passed out in the parking lot of the troubled Electric Cowboy nightclub. The woman reported that she woke him up so he wouldn’t get hit by a car. When police arrived, Sandfer was sitting on the ground leaning up against a car, appearing to be extremely intoxicated. After the officers spoke with him, they allowed him to go back inside Electric Cowboy to find his cousin so he could get a ride home. Shortly after, Sandfer was found walking behind City Trends and was taken into custody as he was deemed a danger to himself.

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Tiana Rock charged in assault of 15-year-old daughter

38-year-old Tiana Rock was jailed on August 6th after reportedly assaulting her 15-year-old daughter at their home on Bonnie Blue Avenue. Police spoke with the minor victim, who stated that she and her mother got into an argument that turned physical when they entered a bathroom, and her mother grabbed her shoulder and squeezed while pushing her backward into the shower.

The victim said at this point, she punched her mother twice to try to get her to let go then she slipped and fell to the ground trying to get away. While the victim was on the ground, Ms. Rock grabbed her by the collar of the shirt, trying to pull her up. Police observed the victim’s shirt with a ripped collar and bruising forming on her upper right shoulder near the base of her neck. Ms. Rock was placed into custody and transported to Montgomery County Jail, leaving behind two other children that are in her custody.

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Henry Sifre charged in assault of wife; who gouged his eyes in self-defense

45-year-old Henry Sifre was jailed on August 6th after his wife called 911 the night prior, reporting that she’d been hit. The operator heard a woman crying and stating something about being hit, and police were sent to Kettering Court. When officers arrived, they saw Sifre and his wife, Yvonne Hertlein, outside, screaming at each other. When Yvonne saw the police approaching, she screamed for them to keep Sifre away from her. She told police that Sifre and his friend were watching a boxing match.

When Sifre’s friend left, he came into the room where Yvonne was in bed watching tv and fell asleep next to her. When he woke up, they got into an argument, and he came toward her aggressively, so she grabbed a toothbrush to defend herself. Sifre threw her on the bed, got on top of her, and began strangling her. Yvonne struggled to breathe and dug her fingers into Sifre’s eyes to try to get him to let her go. When she did this, he bit her right index finger, but she was able to break free and make her way outside to her car. Sifre followed her, screaming at her, then took her keys and pulled her out of the car by her hair.

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Anthony Nix: Naked and drunk at the Courtyard by Mariott

54-year-old Anthony was jailed on August 1st after police responded to a report of an unwanted guest at the Courtyard by Mariott. When police arrived, Nix was sitting on the floor naked with the odor of alcohol emitting from his body. He had bloodshot eyes and slurred nonsense. Police had to help Nix stand and leave the hotel. He was trespassed from the Courtyard meaning he will no longer be allowed on the premises.

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Tequita Hawthorne keys boyfriend’s car when he turns off her cell phone

26-year-old Tequita Hawthorne was jailed on August 4th after becoming upset when she found out her husband reportedly canceled her cell phone plan. Quentin Coleman told police that he and his wife were at their apartment on Eldos Trace Circle when she told him she was going to destroy his belongings. She then went outside and scratched his car with her house key in multiple places. The police observed scratches on the passenger’s and driver’s sides. Quentin estimated the damages to be $800.

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Earl Lowery charged in assault of girlfriend at Days Inn hotel room

37-year-old Earl Lowery was jailed on August 6th after an argument with his girlfriend. Lisa Smith told police that her boyfriend thought she was cheating on him, and they got into an argument in their room at the Days Inn by Wyndham while he was lying down on the bed; she took both of their car keys and tried to leave. Lowery saw Ms. Smith trying to leave and got up to try to grab the car keys. He wrapped his arms around Ms. Smith, and it scared her because of the prior abuse she’s endured from him. They left the room and went down the stairs, where they continued to argue. Ms . Smith began moving her belongings from one car to another when Lowery threw a lotion bottle at her chest. When police questioned him about the incident, he denied anything physical taking place and stated it was only an argument.

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Terrell Sibley to police: “I’m just high!”

32-year-old Terrell Sibley was jailed on August 6th after multiple reports of a man acting erratically at both the post office and Burger King on Fort Campbell Boulevard. When the officer approached Mr. Sibley, he was shirtless and sweating profusely. At one point, he was just yelling, not making any sense, and stated, “I’m just high.” He was told to leave several times but instead ran to the counter to get something to stop the officers from taking him outside. He was unsuccessful in his attempts and was brought outside and placed into custody.

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Jayvion Walker jailed after lying to police about fleeing from them

26-year-old Jayvion Walker was booked on an outstanding warrant last week. This is short series of events, with the initial incident taking place early morning on June 24th when police attempted to pull over a 2017 GMC Acadia with Walker matching the description as the driver. The vehicle evaded police rather than stopping.

Later that morning, Walker called and reported his vehicle stolen, stating that he was at home the night it was stolen and no one else had access to it. The vehicle was tracked using ON-STAR-GPS and located hours later with the keys still inside. A subpoena was issued to ON STAR for the tracking coordinates, and a warrant was secured for Walker’s phone location. The phone’s coordinates and the vehicle’s coordinates were compared. The evidence showed that Walker was at the intersection of Fort Campbell Boulevard and Dover crossing early the morning of June 24th, where the vehicle in question evaded police that same morning.

An additional interview was conducted on August 1st, but Walker still denied any involvement with the incident of the stolen vehicle, and a warrant was secured for a false report.

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Jahmire McKoy puts woman in choke-hold, bends fingers back to take her phone

20-year-old Jahmire McKoy was booked on August 1st after assaulting the mother of his child when an argument turned violent. Police responded to Cory Drive and spoke with Shaquantiana Dillard, who said she and McKoy had gotten into an argument about him moving out of the apartment. During the argument, he pushed Dillard, put her in a chokehold until she couldn’t breathe, and bent her fingers backward to pry them off of her phone. Dillard’s sister called 911 and corroborated her story. McKoy was gone when police arrived, and Dillard told police he had been drinking and smoking the night before. Police discovered that McKoy has a domestic history but not with Dillard. She did state that he has been physical with her in the past.

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Jasmina Mahoney bites child’s father; smashes TV & vase with hammer

27-year-old Jasmina Mahoney was jailed on August 1st for assaulting the father of her child at his home on Professional Park Drive. Natravian Landry told police that Mahoney and his girlfriend had gotten into an altercation over their child. During the altercation, Mahoney threw a vase at Landry’s TV. The vase broke, and the TV was damaged. Mahoney then got a hammer and threatened to destroy the TV. Landry tried grabbing the hammer, but Mahoney bit his wrist and scratched his arm. All of this happened while Landry was holding their 3-month-old daughter. Mahoney then took the child and left before the police arrived. Landry didn’t want to provide a written statement, told police he didn’t feel assaulted and was not in fear for his safety. He tried to contact Mahoney but was unable to.

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Shatquantell Steffin jailed after childish episode at Vacation Motel

36-year-old Shatquantell Steffin was jailed on July 29th when police were called by Judy Parker, an employee at Vacation Motel, who wanted officers present while she allowed Steffin, a previous tenant, to retrieve her belongings from the motel room. After Steffin got her things, she was asked to leave and not return to the property, but she refused to leave and laid down in the middle of the street. Officers could smell alcohol on her, and she admitted to having drinks in her room, which was why she was being kicked out. Due to her level of intoxication and refusal to leave the motel premises, Steffin was placed into custody. During the search of her person, officers located a small bag of marijuana and cigarillos in her pocket.

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