Erik Walker charged in assault of wife during argument over cell phone

Police say 31-year-old Erik Walker was in an argument with his wife, Breanna, on May 29 after he took her cell phone from her and would not return it. Bre was attempting to retrieve her cell phone to call her father to pick her up from the situation when she says Erik pushed her, causing her to fear for her safety. Both parties had been drinking, and she admits to pushing him on the shoulder to get him to release the phone. Officers noted a prior history of domestic disturbance calls for the couple and determined Erik to be the primary aggressor.

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Soldier Daniel Jinks has his mom on phone to tell police he will be running from them

23-year-old Daniel Jinks reportedly became upset with his girlfriend, Grace Pettway, in March and began to destroy things in her home, even breaking her dresser. As he was leaving, she demanded his key back, and she says he balled his fist up as if to punch her, and she jumped back. He then threw the key at her and fled the home as she called the police.

Police reached the soldier by phone and asked him to return and speak to them about the situation. He stated he would just leave for Pennsylvania to escape the situation, would not speak to the police, and disconnected the call. Jinks then called his mother, and together they called the officer, and he stated he was leaving for Pennsylvania. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was booked on that warrant this week.

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Archie Maxie jailed for domestic assault after argument with mother of his child

32-year-old Archie Maxie was jailed last week after police responded to Trenton Road and spoke with Brianna Goods, who said she had been staying with Maxie for the past four days to work out their relationship issues. Maxie and Goods share a child in common. According to Goods, she and Maxie got into an argument, and he cussed her out and told her to leave. Goods said Maxie then grabbed her arm to force her out of his apartment. She told police she slapped him afterward for hurting her.

When the police spoke with Maxie, he said that he and Goods had an argument, and he told her to leave. He then grabbed her arm to escort her out, and she slapped him before leaving. Maxie was transported to booking, and it was later discovered that there was an order of protection against him with Goods as the protected party.

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Eduardo Simon charged in DUI crash; Twisted Teas found in his vehicle

27-year-old Eduardo Simon was booked on May 21st after crashing into a utility pole near Tiny Town and Little Bobcat Lane. When police arrived, they saw Simon with glossy bloodshot eyes, and he slurred as he told them that he only looked down, and the next thing he knew, he hit the utility pole. The smell of alcohol came from his body, and he was asked to consent to sobriety tests. He performed poorly and was taken into custody as a result. A search of his vehicle yielded two open containers of Twisted Tea.

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DUI: Jessica Oliver drove thru a police investigation scene while drunk

29-year-old Jessica Oliver was jailed on May 21st after she drove onto the scene of an unrelated crash while drunk. Police were investigating a crash at Tiny Town and Little Bobcat Lane when Oliver slowly rolled her gray Dodge Challenger on the scene. She had slurred speech and glossy eyes. When she was asked to exit her vehicle, she stumbled. Oliver consented to field sobriety tests and performed poorly. During a search of her vehicle, a plastic bag of 1.82 grams of marijuana was found on the passenger’s side.

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Davide Zini charged with DUI after a stop at gas station where police were getting gas

27-year-old Davide Zini was jailed on May 21st after stumbling out of his vehicle with his pants unbuckled in front of police and into Mapco on Warfield Boulevard. A deputy was getting gas at the time and informed the officer of what he saw. When Zini exited the gas station, the officer saw him walking very unbalanced. He got into his vehicle and turned it on when the officer approached him and noticed he smelled strongly of alcohol. He consented to sobriety tests but performed poorly and was taken into custody.

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Danilo Martinez — drunk and disorderly at the troubled Electric Cowboy bar

24-year-old Danilo Martinez was jailed on May 21st after police responded to a call about a man refusing to leave the troubled Electric Cowboy club in Clarksville. According to security, Martinez left Electric Cowboy and returned to fight another man. Security at the door stated he was trying to figure out what was going on, and Martinez swung at him as well. He had been drinking heavily at the club. When police arrived, security had Martinez in custody while he shouted profanities and kicked at them. The manager told police that they have had several problems with Martinez for three weeks in a row.

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Marty Lambert charged with DUI after leaving Scooter’s

54-year-old Marty Lambert was booked on May 21st after police pulled her over for a broken license plate light on Ashland City Road and Glendale Drive. Police pulled over Ms. Lambert in her white 1999 Chevy Silverado. She provided her ID, informed police that her license was suspended, and she didn’t have current insurance. Police noticed her bloodshot eyes and could smell alcohol coming from her breath. She told police that she was coming from Scooter’s Bar and Grill, where she had two drinks. Ms. Lambert consented to sobriety tests and performed poorly before giving up and refusing to continue.

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Anderson Aristhene charged with DUI after driving wrong way on Fort Campbell Blvd

30-year-old Anderson Aristhene was jailed on May 20th after police responded to a call about a vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road down Fort Campbell Boulevard. When officers arrived, they saw Aristhene driving his blue sedan into oncoming traffic and had him pull into the parking lot of Smooves Grill. Aristhene had extremely slurred speech, and police could smell alcohol coming from his body. When police saw him unsteady on his feet, he was asked to consent to sobriety tests but denied, turned around, and placed his hands behind his back on his own accord. He was taken into custody, and transported to booking.

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Parking Lot Pooper Nakietha Gallion eats baggie of cocaine, kicks officers

28-year-old Nakietha Gallion was jailed on May 12th after an anonymous call of a man “pooping in the parking lot” of Circle K on Lafayette Road. When police approached Gallion, he was across the street from the gas station. He started walking away from the officers while removing all of his articles of clothing. Mr. Gallion then grabbed something from his wallet, put it in his mouth, and started chewing on it. He was told to stop walking and stand by his jacket, at which point he reached into his waistband and said, “Or what?”

Police told Gallion to put his hands behind his back, but he refused and was taken to the ground. While on the ground, officers commanded him to spit out what he was chewing on, but he refused and kicked an officer multiple times. He was taken into custody, and police were able to retrieve the item he was chewing on. It was a small, clear, plastic baggie containing a white powder that tested positive for cocaine. Gallion was transported to Tennova to be observed for a possible overdose. The baggie of cocaine was approximately .5 grams.

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Alicia Winchester faces 2nd DUI charge after late-night traffic stop

32-year-old Alicia Winchester was booked last week when police saw her driving 60 mph while swerving in and out of lanes on Dover Road. She told police she was coming from a friend’s house and had a couple of beers before driving. She was unsteady on her feet, had bloodshot eyes, and smelled of alcohol. There was an open can of beer still cold to the touch in the cup holder. Winchester did not have a required interlock device installed in her vehicle from her last DUI.

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Natalia Head charged with theft of phone from her boyfriend’s baby mama

22-year-old Natalia Head is charged with the theft of her boyfriend’s baby mama’s cell phone. Joydan Wilson reported to police that the father of her children, Jactavious Parker, had her cell phone, and when she went to retrieve it, she was told his girlfriend, Natalie Head, had taken the phone from him. Natalie reportedly stated the phone was broken, and she discarded it in a nearby wooded area.

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Jactavious Parker punches his girlfriend in her head during argument over feelings

28-year-old Jactavious Parker was jailed last week for punching his girlfriend in the head after she called him to come over to her apartment on May 5th. Natalie Head told police that she and Parker got into an argument over her feelings for him, and he demanded to be taken home. After leaving the apartment, Parker took Natalie’s phone and asked why she called him to come over. According to Natalie, when she went to get her phone back, Parker punched her in the side of the head. When he saw Natalie get her sister’s phone and call 911, he threw her phone and took off running.

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Fort Campbell soldier Allen Gurganus blows 0.194% BAC after six beers at a party

20-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Allen Gurganus was at a party in the Dunbar Cave area on May 12, where he says he consumed “five to six beers” before leaving to attempt to drive back to base. As he drove away, he nearly struck another person’s vehicle with his Ford F-150, and that person alerted police, who quickly caught up with Gurganus a short distance away. As the officer followed Gurganus, he observed him swerving over the center line six times. He initiated a traffic stop and reports that Gurganus reeked of alcohol and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He later blew a 0.194% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Ketania Hall charged with domestic assault of her mother, says she’s owed $40

19-year-old Ketania Hall was reportedly cursing at her mother, Keota Petties, in an attempt to start a fight on May 17 about $40 she says she was owed. Police had responded to the home earlier in the evening when they were called again about a domestic disturbance just before midnight. Ketana left and then returned during the second incident. Her mother says she yelled and screamed and pushed her way into her mother’s bedroom, despite her pushing back against the door. She attempted to make entry to the bedroom and continued to threaten her mother, which was captured on an audio recording, along with banging on the door.

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Matthew Martinez charged with 2nd DUI in 9 days

Fresh out of jail and on bond for a DUI earlier this month, 24-year-old Matthew Martinez once again found himself in handcuffs this week. On May 21, officers observed Martinez driving his black Ford Fusion at 78 mph in a 45 mph zone near Dover Rd & High Point Rd. Officers conducted a traffic stop and immediately smelled both marijuana and alcohol coming from Martinez. He was reportedly slurring his words, repeating himself, and having trouble keeping his balance. He was transported to booking and was once again charged with DUI — the second time in nine days.

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Toya Canty jailed after stabbing boyfriend in chest; he was life-flighted to Vanderbilt

32-year-old Toya Canty was jailed on May 16th for stabbing her boyfriend in the abdomen after an argument at their home on Eldos Trace Circle. When police arrived, Isaiah Jackson was in critical condition; they performed first aid until he was life-flighted to Vanderbilt Hospital. Canty was immediately taken into custody and questioned at the precinct. She told police that she and Jackson were arguing, and he followed her around after asking to be left alone because she was upset. She claims he then pushed her to the ground and stomped her face with his work boots. Officers only observed a small cut and a ripped shirt strap but no injuries corresponding to Canty’s statement.

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Christopher Clark punches holes in wall when child won’t wake up for school

21-year-old Christopher Clark was booked on May 15th on an outstanding warrant after his girlfriend told police that he was screaming at their child and destroying their home. He was upset the child wouldn’t get up and get ready for school, so he started punching multiple holes in the walls and doors of the apartment. He punched a mirror so hard his fist went through it and the drywall behind it. Clark lives with his girlfriend, and the couple has a domestic history.

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