Sparkle Williams confesses to embezzlement scheme from Walgreens on Tiny Town Road

Clarksville Police say that between July 1st and July 25, 29-year-old Sparkle Williams embezzled $5,282 from her employer, Walgreens on Tiny Town Road. Bryan Varns, from Walgreens loss prevention, advised she reloaded store gift cards on 28 separate occasions during that period but never paid for the money that was loaded on them. Shen then took the gift cards to spend or sell. Williams completed a written statement admitting to the scheme but believed it was only approximately $2,000.

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Rishawn Crump jailed after reporting a robbery, admits he was just high on shrooms and crack cocaine

33-year-old Rishawn Crump, who had his wife arrested earlier this month claiming he was in fear of her after she sliced his shoe with a knife and refused to bail her out of jail, has now been jailed twice in 72 hours and remains in jail in lieu of a $5,000 bond. His recent antics include smashing out the front glass of a car dealership after being denied a test drive, and being high on alcohol, marijuana, mushrooms, and crack cocaine, when he called police believing he had been robbed.

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Andrew O’Hern charged with public intoxication; cut off & kicked out of downtown Clarksville bar

Clarksville Police responded to a report of a heavily intoxicated individual at 105 Social on Franklin Street in downtown Clarksville Thursday night just after 10 p.m. and found 35-year-old Andrew O’Hern, of Fort Campbell, near the bar. The bar manager had cut off O’Hern due to his level of intoxication and escorted him outside. Officers arrived and attempted to locate a friend or family member, but O’Hern stated he just transferred here and didn’t know anyone to assist him.

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Avry Eden flees from police & crashes car — his mother turns him in

When Clarksville Police attempted to conduct a traffic stop on 22-year-old Avry Eden at 4:30 a.m. on July 14th for driving without tail lights, Eden fled through a stop sign and away from police with no intention of stopping and crashed his car on the way home. A short time later, Candice Eden contacted police and informed them her son, Avry, had just come home and advised her he had been in an accident. He then admitted to fleeing from police and wrecking a short time later. His $11,000 bond was reduced to $1,000, which was posted.

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Clarksville Police make petty marijuana arrest while ‘assisting’ citizen — Dustee Waters

22-year-old Dustee Waters was having a 7 a.m. dispute with the Econo Lodge on Wilma Rudolph Blvd, and Clarksville police responded to the scene. Officer Adam Price stood by while Waters removed her items from the room and noted he could smell marijuana. He says he then observed a baggie in Waters’ hoodie, and when he asked what was in it, she replied: “weed.” He placed her under arrest and charged her for the 14.5 grams of marijuana, along with paraphernalia for an open cigarillo packet found on a table in the motel room.

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Shane Lamison charged with assaulting girlfriend when he can’t find his beer

A 911 call stated that 23-year-old Shane Dee Lamison was drinking and throwing things around the residence, including his girlfriend, and had just left on foot. Lamison had returned to the property when deputies arrived, and he stated the argument was only verbal and nothing physical happened, though he would not sign a statement based on that version of events. His girlfriend, Jessica Bryant, told deputies became upset when he could not locate his beer and picked her up by her hips and stomach and threw her, placing her in fear of further assault.

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Natasha Blake: Yes, I beat my child AND threw her out of the house when she wouldn’t clean

Clarksville Police knocked on the door of 34-year-old Natasha Blake on July 17th, and directly asked her if she dragged and beat her child, as someone had reported. She confirmed she absolutely did beat her child and threw her out of the apartment because the 12-year-old would not clean the residence. She was told she was under arrest, at which time she resisted and pulled away before eventually she was taken into custody.

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Davera Caldwell jailed after failing to show for court on contempt charge from January

21-year-old Davera Caldwell was booked into the Montgomery County Jail this week after failing to appear on multiple court dates to answer to a contempt of court charge from January of 2022. Court records show she missed hearings and the courts finally forfeited her bond with her bonding company. In the original January case, she was involved in a domestic dispute with her boyfriend, Deon Brigham, and it was discovered she was violating bond conditions by being at the location with him.

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Timothy Jones found passed out behind wheel of car in front of Mickey’s Downtown Clarksville

Clarksville Police say they found 31-year-old Timothy Jones incredibly drunk and passed out behind the wheel of his running Honda RTS while parked in front of Mickey’s Downtown Clarksville. It took several knocks on the window to wake Jones, who was unable to exit the vehicle on his own due to his level of intoxication. Inside the vehicle, officers found a bottle of Teremana Tequila in the center cup holder.

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Tyronsha Harris charged with afterhours DUI on Fort Campbell Blvd

Clarksville Police say 22-year-old Tyronsha ‘Sha’ Harris could not maintain her lane of travel when they pulled her over just before 2:30 a.m. Sunday on Fort Campbell Blvd near Airport Road. She reportedly smelled of alcohol and was “very confused” when asked for her license and other information. Harris performed poorly on field sobriety tests, yet claimed she had not drank enough to be drunk, and she simply had to pee.

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Soldier charged after yanking steering wheel, causing wife to wreck vehicle — Travon Weaver

22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Travon ‘Tray’ Weaver is jailed in lieu of a $16,000 bond after he was reportedly riding home from Fort Cambell Blvd with his wife, Haley Hall Weaver, driving and two children (one age 2 years, one age 7 months) inside the vehicle. The couple reportedly got into an argument, and Weaver yanked the steering wheel, causing the vehicle to swerve while they were near exit 11. Once they got into their neighborhood, he reportedly yanked the steering wheel again, causing the vehicle to spin out and roll into a neighbor’s yard. Haley says she was holding the infant after she exited the car, and Travon then pushed her to the ground.

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Soldier Kameron Tillmon found drunk, shirtless, shoeless, sweatpants covered in cockleburs

Just before 3 a.m. Friday, Clarksville Police found 22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Kameron Tillmon “shirtless, shoeless, and with cockleburs stuck to his sweatpants” as he banged on the door of an apartment as he attempted to open it on Oak Arbor Court. Police say he reeked of alcohol and had been in front of other nearby apartments, too. He was unable to tell officers where he was coming from, going to, or why he was there. Due to his level of intoxication, he was transported to booking.

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Joshua Sterling deemed the loser in super petty argument with fiancee; assaults her & takes the dog

Casey Abernathy reports that she was arguing with her fiance, 36-year-old Joshua Sterling, via text messages about financial issues. She says he told her he would throw her things in the trash, so she decided to come home from work on a break. As she was driving home, she passed him in the parking lot of the apartment complex, and they both stopped. He reportedly exited his vehicle and threw a glass vase at her car, denting the door. He then went back inside the apartment, pushed her away when she tried to enter, locked her out, and would randomly open the front door and toss out breakable items, smashing them nearby her, some items cutting her as they shattered. Eventually, Sterling took their shared dog, told her to say goodbye to the dog, and fled the scene.

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Fort Campbell soldier Christian Davis charged with felony aggravated assault of his wife

19-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Christian Davis is now charged with felony aggravated domestic assault after his wife, Nisha Davis, advised he slapped her in the face and then strangled her on July 11th during an argument. She states she began to black out as he continued to strangle her, and officers documented visible injuries on her neck consistent with strangulation.

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Dustin Johnson charged after drunkenly pushing family around home & resisting arrest

Angelia Marable-Johnson says her husband, 40-year-old Dustin Johnson, physically assaulted her and her 13-year-old son and forcefully pushed them throughout their Cottingham Court home on July 13th. When officers interviewed Dustin, he denied any assault but did admit to being extremely intoxicated. As he was being placed into custody for domestic assault, he pulled away from the handcuffs and then refused to get into the patrol car and had to be forced into the rear of the cruiser by officers to he could be transported to booking.

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DUI: Ashley Greenhill admits to taking Percocets prior to driving wildly on interstate

A ‘BOLO’ (be on the look out) went out over all air for a vehicle weaving all over Interstate 24 on July 13th and was quickly spotted by THP Trooper Javier Allen as it passed his position and ran off the road before returning back onto the roadway and into a lane of travel. A traffic stop was conducted, and the driver was identified as 34-year-old Ashley Greenhill. There were no obvious signs of alcohol use; however, Greenhill admitted to taking Percocet earlier before driving.

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James Woodruff jailed after girlfriend calls 911 to report he scratched her

Haley Conner Woodruff called 911 to report her husband, 38-year-old Clifford ‘James’ Woodruff, left a mark on her arm when he grabbed the keys from her hands during an argument. Officer arrived at the Paradise Hill Road residence where the couple was arguing, reportedly over James cheating. James said nothing physical occurred between the two, however, with the scratch present he was transported to booking and charged with domestic assault.

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