Thomas Tanner jailed after threatening his very adult son with a screwdriver

79-year-old Thomas Theophilus Tanner was jailed this week after his son called 911 to report his father, who is nearly 80 and weighs 150 pounds, “threatened him with a screwdriver.” Deputy Ryan Foster arrived at the location and made contact with the son, Thomas Tanner Jr., who stated his dad was inside the home working on an electrical box, and when asked to stop he reportedly told his son he would stab him with a screwdriver if he didn’t step back from him.

The father told deputies he absolutely said those words to his son; as he was coming too close too him, he was backed into a small area and felt threatened because his son is a much bigger man than he is. The son told the deputy he was afraid for himself and his grandmother, and the father was jailed and charged with felony aggravated assault.

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Douglas Bourne charged after assaulting his teenage daughter’s boyfriend

59-year-old Douglas Wayne Bourne is charged with the assault of his 19-year-old daughter’s boyfriend, Jerome Alexander. All three live at the same residence, and Emily says Jerome was upset at the way her dad grabbed a dog. Jerome states Mr. Bournce punched him in the chest, and he had to take control of him and hold him down to make him stop, and a video supported this, which showed the assault. When interviewed by police, Douglas Bourne stated, “it was a family argument, nothing happened, and now it is over.” Bourne was charged with domestic assault and transported to booking.

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Breanna Crisp charged with domestic assault after slapping boyfriend in face

Clarksville Police responded to a domestic disturbance Wednesday on E Street and spoke with 24-year-old Breanna Jeanette Crisp, who stated she was in an argument with her boyfriend, Caleb ‘CJ’ Pickney, and he had assaulted her. She advised she had slapped Pickney in the face to ‘get him out of her way,’ and in return, he pushed her out of the front door as she was walking by him. She admits she was never blocked in, and her movements were never restricted. She was deemed to be the primary aggressor and booked into custody for domestic assault.

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Andre Harris jailed after girlfriend says she was pushed and pulled during an argument

29-year-old Andre Dewaun Harris is charged with domestic assault after his girlfriend, Haley Starks, told police the couple had an argument and he grabbed her by the arms and pushed and pulled her around. Responding officers documented multiple bruises on the victim, which they say were consistent with being grabbed. This incident occurred on August 14th, and Harris was taken into custody on August 16th in Sumner County and transferred back to Montgomery County, where he remains jailed in lieu of a $500 bond.

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Tyler Kelley charged in brutal assault of girlfriend after drinking bottle of vodka

26-year-old Tyler Jacob Kelley was jailed Tuesday after his girlfriend of sixteen months, Stephanie Hartley-Baker, says he shoved her to the ground, climbed on top of her, placed his hands around her throat, and used the entire weight of his body to press down on her. He only stopped when her young son, who was celebrating his first day of kindergarten, jumped on Kelley’s back and screamed for him to stop hitting his mother.

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Joslyn Berry charged in domestic assault of her mother over car keys

Clarksville Police made contact with 25-year-old Joslyn Estel Berry Tuesday, who advised she and her mother, Dennine Berry, were in an argument over Joslyn needing keys to her vehicle. Joslyn admits she threw a sandwich while in the kitchen and then grabbed the knife she had used to make the sandwich and told her mother to stay away, but says she didn’t make any direct threats. She threw a different set of keys at her mother while holding the knife but eventually put the blade down and gave her the proper set of keys. Her mother says the keys hit her in the arm when they were thrown at her, leaving her with a bruise.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Curtis Sumner charged with two counts of domestic assault against girlfriend

22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Curtis Lee Sumner now faces two domestic assault charges after his girlfriend, Trinity Jay, says she felt assaulted when he pushed her with his hand on her chest while arguing about their relationship. Additionally, she says that at about 5 p.m. on that same day, he kicked her on the left side of her body during an argument.

Officers spoke with Sumner, who says he left to stay at the barracks before things escalated. Trinity Jay refused to provide a written statement, and officers did not observe any visible signs of injury. Sumner returned to the scene and provided a statement to officers, and was taken into custody on two counts of domestic assault.

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Lauren Degiosafatoo charged in assault of boyfriend after finding a text from his ex

Deputies responded to Chatfield Drive in the early hours of Thursday morning, where David Fekete advised his girlfriend, 30-year-old Lauren Degiosafatto, assaulted him after observing a text from an ex-girlfriend on his phone. He says she became upset and angry, then began to break things in the room before assaulting him and hitting him on the back. Ryan Dvorak says he heard the argument and then observed her attacking Fekete, so he picked her up and moved her in order to de-escalate the situation and separate the couple.

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Kristofer Batson charged after assaulting ex-boyfriend with kitchen pot, threatening his life

Officers responded to a home on Martin Street on Monday evening where Michael Leftwich told police that his roommate/ex-boyfriend 35-year-old Kristofer Tosh Batson had been threatening him when he arrived home. He stated Batson was following him around the house, asking for his car keys, and then asking to be taken to the hospital. Leftwich Batson threatened to kill him and then hit him with a kitchen pot before taking the keys and fleeing in Leftwich’s car. Officers issued a warrant for his arrest, and he was taken into custody Wednesday.

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Clarksville TikTok lovers duel it out during dirty breakup — Giovanna Dalessandro & Avery Holt

A Clarksville TikTok duo with around 5 million combined fans across their platforms each found themselves in a Clarksville, TN, jail this week, only hours apart. The former lovers, 21-year-old Giovanna Linda Marie Dalessandro & 20-year-old Avery Noverra Holt, who lived together at Kirkwood Place, recently broke up, and ‘Gio’ returned to Texas. This week Gio returned with a posse that included his mother and a diva with alleged brass knuckles to retrieve some of his belongings, and things quickly escalated, landing three people in jail after police say Gio brandished a handgun and Gio’s mother says she was assault by Avery.

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Shane Lamison charged with assaulting girlfriend when he can’t find his beer

A 911 call stated that 23-year-old Shane Dee Lamison was drinking and throwing things around the residence, including his girlfriend, and had just left on foot. Lamison had returned to the property when deputies arrived, and he stated the argument was only verbal and nothing physical happened, though he would not sign a statement based on that version of events. His girlfriend, Jessica Bryant, told deputies became upset when he could not locate his beer and picked her up by her hips and stomach and threw her, placing her in fear of further assault.

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Soldier charged after yanking steering wheel, causing wife to wreck vehicle — Travon Weaver

22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Travon ‘Tray’ Weaver is jailed in lieu of a $16,000 bond after he was reportedly riding home from Fort Cambell Blvd with his wife, Haley Hall Weaver, driving and two children (one age 2 years, one age 7 months) inside the vehicle. The couple reportedly got into an argument, and Weaver yanked the steering wheel, causing the vehicle to swerve while they were near exit 11. Once they got into their neighborhood, he reportedly yanked the steering wheel again, causing the vehicle to spin out and roll into a neighbor’s yard. Haley says she was holding the infant after she exited the car, and Travon then pushed her to the ground.

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Joshua Sterling deemed the loser in super petty argument with fiancee; assaults her & takes the dog

Casey Abernathy reports that she was arguing with her fiance, 36-year-old Joshua Sterling, via text messages about financial issues. She says he told her he would throw her things in the trash, so she decided to come home from work on a break. As she was driving home, she passed him in the parking lot of the apartment complex, and they both stopped. He reportedly exited his vehicle and threw a glass vase at her car, denting the door. He then went back inside the apartment, pushed her away when she tried to enter, locked her out, and would randomly open the front door and toss out breakable items, smashing them nearby her, some items cutting her as they shattered. Eventually, Sterling took their shared dog, told her to say goodbye to the dog, and fled the scene.

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Dustin Johnson charged after drunkenly pushing family around home & resisting arrest

Angelia Marable-Johnson says her husband, 40-year-old Dustin Johnson, physically assaulted her and her 13-year-old son and forcefully pushed them throughout their Cottingham Court home on July 13th. When officers interviewed Dustin, he denied any assault but did admit to being extremely intoxicated. As he was being placed into custody for domestic assault, he pulled away from the handcuffs and then refused to get into the patrol car and had to be forced into the rear of the cruiser by officers to he could be transported to booking.

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James Woodruff jailed after girlfriend calls 911 to report he scratched her

Haley Conner Woodruff called 911 to report her husband, 38-year-old Clifford ‘James’ Woodruff, left a mark on her arm when he grabbed the keys from her hands during an argument. Officer arrived at the Paradise Hill Road residence where the couple was arguing, reportedly over James cheating. James said nothing physical occurred between the two, however, with the scratch present he was transported to booking and charged with domestic assault.

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Kennedi Clark charged in double-assault of family members

20-year-old Kennedi Clark is charged with the assault of her 13-year-old niece and her sister-in-law, Anfiniti Tallie. The victims told police they were at the location to pick up Clark’s child for the father, who was at work. Clark prepared the child to go with them and sent them on their way, however as they began to leave, Clark reportedly pushed one of the victims and slapped the other one in her face. The motive of the reported assaults is currently unknown.

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Lacey Barber charged in ashtray assault of former lover

Clarksville Police responded to Gettysburg Drive on July 10th, where Nicholas Chapman says he was assaulted by his ex-girlfriend, 35-year-old Lacey Barber, while he was lying in bed. He says the two were in a verbal argument when she struck him in the ear with a small round ashtray before she retreated to another bedroom in the home. Barber told officers the argument was only verbal and never turned physical, however, officers did document redness from an apparent ash tray strike and ash residue inside of the victim’s ear.

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Fort Campell soldier Bradley Cheek charged in assault of wife; smashes her phone

Natalie Cheek says her husband, 20-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Bradley Cheek, asked her for her phone, and when she refused he retrieved it from her waistband by force while she ‘flailed’ her arms and hit him in self-defense. As she ran outside and got into her car, Bradley jumped into the passenger seat, and as she reversed he smashed the phone onto the ground and exited the vehicle. Bradley, who had marks on his body from her ‘flailing’ when he took her phone, spoke to the police and provided a very similar story. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody.

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