Commissioned Officer Lane Wilmoth charged in “crazy” assault of wife with multiple witnesses

Police responded to Golden Eagle Way on March 1st, where a man pointed them in the direction of where a man had been “acting crazy”, but had just fled the scene. Officers met with Diana Wilmoth, who explained she and her husband, 29-year-old Hobert Lane Wilmoth, were estranged and he was at her home when she arrived there. Her roommates had to physically restrain Lane from attacking her, and she fled out the back door where he then chased her while she was calling 911 stating they may not get there quick enough, as he was threatening to kill her.

He grabbed the phone and destroyed it against a wall. There were multiple witnesses, and she told police this happens “all the time” and she never reported it. Wilmoth is a Commissioned Aviation Officer at Fort Campbell.

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Steven Tran charged with assault of wife in their kitchen

46-year-old Steven Tran is charged with the domestic assault of his wife, Ngoc Pham, who told police the couple had an argument that became physical when he held her against their refrigerator by her throat. She says he repeatedly assaulted her until she fell to the floor.

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Coral Heazlit assaults her boyfriend after he pours her vodka down the drain

Ronnie Gregory says his girlfriend, 29-year-old Coral Heazlit, punched him when he took her liquor away. He says she drank almost a half-bottle of vodka before he began to pour it down the drain of the sink and she assaulted him. Officers documented bruises on the victim.

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Wife says E-5 husband slapped her, called her derogatory names — Cole Hager arrested

23-year-old 1-33 CAV War Rakkasan Cole Allen Hager is charged with slapping his wife in the face after she threatened to leave and go to a friend’s home because he was berating her and calling her derogatory names. She was still afraid when police arrived and asked to be transported elsewhere to write a statement.

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Nashville Fire Dept. Paramedic Nicholas French charged with domestic assault in Clarksville

38-year-old Nashville Fire Department Paramedic Nicholas French was arrested at his Clarkville home after his girlfriend, Amanda Wenzel, says he was intoxicated and took her phone from the nightstand and hit her in the face with it while trying to use her face to unlock the phone so he could read her text messages. He reportedly then grabbed her and placed both arms behind her back and shoved her face into a wall. He is currently using vacation days for his assigned NFD shifts until the matter is adjudicated.

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Man out on bond for domestic assault charged in new case, with new victim — Tyler Digangi arrested

Police say 27-year-old Tyler Digangi and his child’s mother, Taylor Yeager, were in an argument when he suddenly clenched both fists and came at her in an aggressive manner from across the room while telling her to “shut the F— Up!”. He broke several pieces of small furniture as he raged across the room, placing her in imminent fear of being injured. She told police this was almost a daily occurrence.

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Teen remains jailed on $250 bond after “assaulting” stepmother — Tiffany Brewer

18-year-old Tiffany Brewer is charged with the domestic assault of her stepmother, Marilyn Jones. Jones reported her stepdaughter “struck her on the hand” while she was on the phone during an argument. A Sheriff’s deputy took Brewer into custody after she admitted to striking her, and also documented a red mark on the victim’s left hand. She remains jailed in lieu of a $250 bond, five days after her arrest.

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Shemiko Harris held husband at knifepoint until he packed his bags, per report

Police say 35-year-old Shemiko Harris was in an argument with her husband, Darius Dimitri Hassell, over “marital issues” when she suddenly took a silver pocket knife and pointed it at his face and head, demanding that he leave the residence. She reportedly continued to point the knife at him until he packed his belongings.

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Amelia Schlosser charged in assault of wife, less than two months into marriage

Less than two months after getting married, Clarksville Police say 19-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Amelia Schlosser pushed her wife, Isabella Lee, late Monday night at their apartment in front of a group of witnesses. While there were approximately five different versions of events from five different people, every version included Amelia pushing Isabella after the verbal argument escalated. Police took Schlosser into custody, charging her with domestic assault.

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Man charged with slamming girlfriend’s head into kitchen floor — Riley Fairbert

26-year-old Riley Fairbert is charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Hannah Picklesimer, after she reported to police he slammed her head into the kitchen floor “shared enough for her to see spots” after several arguments. Officers documented a mark on her head as well as several strands of hair where her head impacted the floor.

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Man charged with strangling girlfriend while driving — Jalan Gibson

Naomi Pfundt says she was in an argument with her boyfriend, 23-year-old Jalan Gibson, on their way home and it became physical when he grabbed her by the neck and began to strangle her while driving. She says she briefly lost consciousness during the assault. Gibson, who goes by “Islah Hood” on social media, had fled the scene but was located near Gary Matthew’s and taken into custody after a short foot pursuit.

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Woman calls 911 to report husband, she ends up in jail — Elizabeth Ohlschwager arrested

38-year-old Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Ohlschwager called 911 to report her husband, Jeremy Ohlschwager, had pushed her to the ground during an argument on Valentine’s Day and then left the scene. Police arrived and interviewed Beth, and Jeremy soon returned to the residence. He explained the couple had an argument about a phone and she bit him on the wrist. As he attempted to retreat to prevent any further escalation, she fell to the ground after biting him. Police documented a fresh bite mark injury to Jeremy’s wrist. Now that officers had the full story, they took Beth into custody, and she spent Valentine’s night in jail.

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Man says roommate assaulted him when he refused his sexual advances on Valentine’s Day — Devante Ruffin

25-year-old Devante LaDavid Ruffin is charged with the felony aggravated domestic assault of his roommate, Richard Smith. Just before midnight on Valentine’s Day, Smith says Ruffin approached him at their shared apartment, demanding sexual favors from him. When Smith declined his advances, he says Ruffin grabbed him by the neck, assaulted him, and broke a liquor bottle across his face. Police documented an injury to the side of the victim’s face and bruising around his neck.

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Woman escapes via bedroom window after boyfriend, Robert Sikes, assaults her

Clarksville Police say 34-year-old Robert Sikes was in a verbal argument with his girlfriend, Brianna Teague, about their relationship on Valentine’s Day, and when things began to get physical he reportedly took her phone, so she attempted to use his phone to call 911. Before she could complete the call he held her in a bear-hug for multiple minutes, and eventually escalated to placing her in a headlock. As she was losing consciousness, he took his phone from her and released his grip on her. She attempted to run out the front door, but he continued to block her path, so eventually escaped through a bedroom window, and retreated to a neighbor’s home where she called 911.

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Woman screams for club ‘Security!’, but she’s in her dad’s house — Faith Vaughns arrested

21 old Faith Trinity Burchard Vaughns reportedly came home at 4 a.m. Saturday, extremely intoxicated and irate, and with a bag of marijuana. Her father told her to get the drugs out of his house and she responded by kicking furniture and throwing objects, all with her 2-year-old child in the room. The father, Anthony Burchard attempted to restrain her to protect the child, at which time she bite him in the hand and “screamed for help from security personnel as if she was in a bar or club”.

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Man charged with assault of wife one month after she was arrested for assaulting him — Treyvon Johnson

Just one month after his wife, Ern’Drinque Walker, was booked into jail for biting him, 20-year-old Treyvon Johnson is charged with shoving her onto the bed and strangling her during an argument. She says she began to blackout during the Assault. In 2020, Trevyon was also charged with domestic assault after Ern’Drinque reported to police he “bear-hugged” her too tightly in another fight over a phone.

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Mother charged after slapping son in the back of his head — Valerie Rel arrested

38-year-old Valerie Anne Rel is charged with the domestic assault of her son, Isaiah Gonzales, after police say she grabbed him by the shirt while yelling at him and struck him in the back of the head with her hand. The argument was reportedly over a laptop he had taken from his girlfriend, Kristan Engel, who witnessed the assault.

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Man charged with slapping sleeping roommate over unplugged Xbox— Austin Chase Springer

Clarksville police say 24-year-old Austin Chase Springer went into his sleeping roommate’s bedroom, upset that his Xbox was unplugged, and began yelling. He then reportedly slapped the roommate, Anthony Duff, in the head with an open hand, knocking out his earplugs. Every time duff attempted to get out of bed, Spring would push him back down. Springer told police he had been drinking prior to the argument.

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