Earl Reed gets into shoving match with boyfriend during argument

21-year-old Earl Reed was involved in a domestic altercation with his boyfriend, Prince Bullock, at their Cedar Court residence on August 4th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Reed about the incident. Reed told officers that he and Bullock were in the middle of having a good night when they got into an argument. Reed stated that during the argument, they got physical and started pushing each other. The confrontation momentarily paused as Bullock headed to their room to retrieve his gun. After stopping and following Bullock into the room, Reed got on top of Bullock once he saw him with the gun. During the struggle for the gun, a shot was fired, however, it did not hit anyone. Bullock then began biting Reed to get him off of him. Reed retrieved the weapon and threw it into the backyard before the officers’ arrival. Reed was later taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on August 5th.

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