Erianna Davis and boyfriend chest bump each other during argument

22-year-old Erianna Kyshae Davis had a domestic incident with her boyfriend, Joseph Wallace, at their Golf Club Lane townhome at 6:35 p.m. on June 12th. Wallace told responding officers that he and Davis argued, during which she assaulted him. He added that she “blocked” his pathway several times, causing them to bump into each other’s chest. When officers spoke with Davis, she admitted to “blocking his way” during their argument but denied attacking him. Davis was then taken into custody for domestic assault.

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Bryan Hite threatens woman with hammer after she tells him to “keep the noise down”

57-year-old Bryan Hite was involved in an altercation with Iyajnah Williams at Golf Club Lane on December 12th. Williams sent a text message to Hite and asked him to “keep the noise down.” She stated that around 6:41 p.m., Hite approached her residence and began yelling at her with a hammer in his hand, pointing it at her. Williams told law enforcement she couldn’t recount what Hill was saying because it put her in fear. The two of them were only a few feet apart during the exchange. Hite was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault. This incident continues into another altercation involving Williams and Hite 20 minutes later the same day.

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Iyajnah Williams threatens to cut man with knife after argument

24-year-old Iyajnah Williams, an employee of FedEx, was involved in an altercation with Bryan Hite at Golf Club Lane on December 12th. Hite stated that following an argument in front of Williams’ apartment, she went to his apartment’s doorstep with a knife and began yelling at him. She started to waive the knife, point it in his direction, and threatened to cut him with it. Hite said that this put him in fear for his life. Williams was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault.

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