Hector Esparza grabs girlfriend by hair, slams her on ground during argument

On April 22nd, 32-year-old Hector Esparza was involved in a domestic incident with his girlfriend, Tania Rangel, at an Oak Lane residence. Officers spoke to Rangel, who informed officers that she and Esparza had been arguing all day up to the incident. Rangel stated that after a neighbor left, Esparza started yelling at her and threatening to beat her up. This led to Rangel following that up, saying he would not touch her. Esparza bounced up from the couch and threw a pillow off the couch. This led Rangel to believe that Esparza would attack her, so she threw a dish at him to keep him from hitting her. According to Rangel, they continued to argue until Esparza picked her up by the hair and tried to hit her. Rangel told officers that when she tried to defend herself, Esparza slammed her into the ground. Rangel said she took that opportunity to get away and call the police. When law enforcement came into contact with Esparza, he stated that he was sitting on the couch arguing when Rangel threw a dish at him and hit him on his head. Esparza then admitted that he went to grab Rangel by her hair and hit her because she hit him with a ceramic dish. Officers deemed Esparza to be the primary aggressor, and he was taken into custody for domestic assault.

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