Lamar Douglas Jr. curb stomps girlfriend & shatters her windshield when she tries to break up with him

32-year-old Lamar Douglas Jr. was involved in a domestic disturbance with his girlfriend, Laura Clayton, at her Ramblewood apartment on August 26th. The person who called in the incident, Samantha Sisco (Clayton’s mother), claimed that Clayton was being beaten up by her boyfriend. When officers arrived at the mentioned location and attempted to make contact with Clayton at her apartment, no one answered. At this time, officers observed that Clayton’s vehicle’s front and back windshield was smashed. When officers attempted to contact Clayton via her phone, she still did not answer. Officers then decided to leave and informed Sisco to call them back if she was able to contact her daughter.

Around two hours after the officers left, Clayton called to report what happened earlier. Officers met with Clayton at the Clarksville Police Department. They observed that she had several injuries, including scrapes on her knees, bruising on her thighs, and a busted lip. Clayton stated that she had been trying to break up with Douglas Jr. earlier that night while they were in front of her car. Clayton told officers that while they were talking, Douglas Jr. had made a gesture like he was trying to hug her. However, instead of hugging her, Douglas Jr. pinned her against her car and slammed her on the ground. Following this, Douglas Jr. put his hands around her throat and started strangling her. Clayton told officers that she tried to get away from Douglas Jr. by pushing him. As she pushed him, he slammed her to the ground again and began stomping on her head and body. Eventually, Clayton got into her car to get away. Douglas Jr. then started jumping on her front and back windshield, shattering them both. Officers were not able to get into contact with Douglas Jr. at the time of the report. Douglas Jr was later found on August 30th and taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault and vandalism.

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