Brandon Ramirez-Jaime steals gun from woman and points it at her during argument

28-year-old Brandon Ramirez-Jaime stole a handgun from a female acquaintance and then pointed it at her. The woman says the Smith & Wesson M&P 9 mm handgun was taken from her Chevy Equinox on December 9th. During an argument several days later, she says Brandon pointed a gun at her, and she recognized it was her missing gun. A warrant for theft was issued for Brandon, and he was jailed on that warrant this week.

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Ethan Murphy jailed after leaving Electric Cowboy in taxi and drunkenly walking back

22-year-old Ethan Dakota Murphy was found stumbling down Clay Lewis Road after leaving the Red Roof Inn property on Holiday Drive. Daryl Brewer made the call to 911 as he followed Murphy in a taxi. Brewer stated he had given Ethan a ride from the Electric Cowboy to the Red Roof Inn after police had responded to the trouble nightclub and advised that Ethan find a ride home. After getting out of the taxi at the motel, Ethan stated he was walking back to the Electric Cowboy to get his truck and began his drunken stagger down the road. Officers arrived and once again gave him an opportunity to get a motel room for the night and sleep it off, be he refused and stated he was walking to his truck. He was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Patrick Long charged after assaulting & strangling his son during an argument

46-year-old Patrick Long is charged with the assault of his son, Parick Long Jr. An arrest warrant alleges he strangled his son during an assault on January 8. Officers documented abrasions to his face and neck and swelling on the left side of his head. The victim gathered his belongings while officers were present and stated he would not be returning to the home.

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Samara Shields charged in assault of roommate, Deijah Pugh

20-year-old Samara Shields was in an argument with her roommate, Deijah Lord-Pugh, on January 10th after Samara could not pay her rent. They were yelling from room to room when Samara asked her to come to her room to discuss the matter. Deijah stood in the doorway, and she says Samara became aggressive and approached her, instigating a fight by punching Deijah in the face. Samara claimed Deijah pushed her first, but a witness overheard Deijah demanding that Samara “get out of her face” right before the fight began.

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Ivy Hanna: drunk on the floor at Rookies Sports Bar

Staff at Rookies Sports Bar had to call 911 after 24-year-old Ivy Hanna was so intoxicated that she took up residence on the floor of the bar. She laid down and would not move, even when they attempted to relocate her to a more appropriate location inside the venue. Officers arrived to find her still on the floor and told officers she was unsure how she got onto the floor. They helped her stand and escorted her outside, where she continued to stumble and fall and then scream uncontrollably. She was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

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Adam Welch eats marijuana during traffic stop on Riverside Drive in Clarksville

Police say 34-year-old Adam Welch was driving for an extended period of time on the center lane on Riverside Drive just after 2 p.m. on January 11 and almost caused an accident with another vehicle. Officers initiated a traffic stop, and Welch produced a revoked driver’s license. Officers ordered him out of the vehicle and noticed green shake on his pants leg. It was quickly realized he had attempted to swallow marijuana. A search of his mouth was conducted, and there was marijuana in his mouth, which was retrieved, and a pack of cigarillos was located inside the vehicle. He was out on bond for two other incidents at the time of his arrest, both of which conditions prohibit him from possessing any controlled substances.

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Rondell Williams destroys girlfriend’s TV in fit of rage

27-year-old Rondell Williams was jailed on January 7 after he pushed his girlfriend’s television off the stand, knocking it onto the floor. Not quite done with his argument, Williams jumped on the television, valued at $499, multiple times until it was destroyed. Williams was charged with domestic-related vandalism.

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Seanicia Hudson charged in brutal assault of her husband, Marc Hudson

30-year-old Seanicia Faye Hudson is charged with the domestic assault of her husband, Marc Hudson, after he says he had to barricade himself in a room to escape from her as she attempted to attack him. She was eventually able to break through the door using a kitchen knife and forced herself into the room, while causing injury to his hands as he was holding the door. She then hit him in the face multiple times in a fierce attack, and he struck her back once to get her off him in self-defense. Seanicia was determined to be the primary aggressor and was transported to booking. The victim had multiple injuries to his face and hands.

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Marissa Feller & Matthew Feller jailed after a liquor-fueled fight

28-year-old Marissa Feller & 30-year-old Matthew Feller were both jailed on January 8th after police responded to their Sharptail Trail home, where the couple was arguing about the father of Marissa’s child. She reportedly was drinking tequila and threw it on her husband, dousing him with the liquor. In response, he reportedly struck her with a glass decanter containing bourbon.

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Brenda Jones jailed after assault of her sister, Michelle Scott

Michelle Scott says she was sitting in the car of her sister, 61-year-old Brenda Jones, in Brenda’s driveway on January 11th. Brenda became upset and demanded that Michelle exit the vehicle, but before she was able to step out on her own, Brenda reportedly grabbed her arm and pulled her, causing her to hit her head on the car frame. Michelle stated she was in fear after the assault, and officers documented a bruise on her head. Brenda was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Soldier Michael East charged with DUI after leaving Electric Cowboy

24-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Michael Timothy East says he was drinking at the troubled Electric Cowboy bar in Clarksville Friday night and into the early hours of Saturday morning. As he left, he was driving in front of THP Trooper Brian Glenn on 41-A, who says he was weaving while driving a white Chevy Silverado at 3:23 a.m. East performed poorly on field sobriety tests and later blew a 0.105% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Dillon Limerick charged in assault of ex-girlfriend after she searches his phone

Okora Dickson says her 27-year-old ex-boyfriend, Dillon Anthony Limerick, pushed her phone into her chest during an argument, which was the start of a physical altercation between the two. The argument reportedly began when she found text messages on Dillon’s phone that she disapproved of. He then searched the contents of her phone and, once he was done with it, pushed it into her while returning it. He admitted to the assault and was taken into custody.

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Michael Alexander charged in assault of Clarksville cougar

Regina Peach, 52, says her 30-year-old boyfriend, Michael “Detroit” Alexander, grabbed her by the collar of her jacket and pinned her to a wall between the stove and counter in their kitchen on January 10. She says Alexander then began to shake her, causing her to bite her own lip, and that she begged him to let her go as she was afraid he was going to kill him. Michael reportedly said, “I don’t care,” and fled the scene prior to police arrival but was located a short distance away.

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Kendrick Cook pepper-sprayed by ex-girlfriend after he strangles her

30-year-old Kendrick Deon Cook is charged with aggravated domestic assault after police say he strangled his ex-girlfriend during an argument. Officers responded to the Parkway Place residence on January 8th just before 5 p.m., where Dyandria “Shonta Black” Sealey says Cook put his hands around her neck as an argument escalated, but she did not lose consciousness or the ability to breathe. She pepper sprayed Cook in self-defense to stop the assault.

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Drunk Soldier Cody Lerch drunk and disorderly at the Electric Cowboy after-hours

Police say 26-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Cody Lerch was arguing with staff and other patrons in the parking lot of the Electric Cowboy just before 4 a.m. Saturday, well past closing time for the troubled club. Police say he was extremely intoxicated and began to work toward N. Riverside Drive. Officers determined him to be intoxicated to be left alone and took him into custody for his own safety.

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Sean Phillips & Scott Phillips jailed after brotherly brawl

22-year-old Sean David Phillips & 30-year-old Scott Arron Phillips were both jailed early Saturday after police responded to a domestic disturbance call between the brothers at 9:32 a.m. Scott stated the two had been drinking and began to argue about Sean’s choices in life. The two brothers battled it out and were determined to be mutual aggressors. After a quick stop at the Sango ER to be medically cleared, each was booked into the Montgomery County Jail.

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