Perry Reed charged with handgun possession under rarely used addiction law in Clarksville

22-year-old Perry Deshawn Reed was stopped for speeding on I-24 near Exit 11 after officers said he was traveling 80 mph in a 70 mph zone. A THP Officer arrived on the scene and conducted a search which revealed a pill that, while the officer claimed it was Fentanyl, Reed insisted was just a Roxy. Under the seat was a Glock handgun, and during questioning, the officer got Reed to admit that he “takes pills daily” – which he then used to additionally charge Reed under an obscure law that makes it a crime to possess a firearm if you’re addicted to any controlled substance.

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Seneca Christine Teel — too drunk for Waffle House

Clarksville Police responded to the Waffle House near Exit 11 and met with employee Elisa Smith, who advised that 39-year-old Seneca Christine Teel was causing a disturbance at the restaurant and refused to leave. By the time officers arrived, Teel was sitting in his vehicle, which was parked at the nearby hotel. He was reportedly extremely intoxicated, and when officers checked with hotel staff, they also wanted him off the property. He was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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April Hampton faces cocaine & gun charges after Nashville traffic stop

33-year-old April Hampton was pulled over by a THP Trooper on I-24 after he said he observed her texting while driving. It was determined her driver’s license was revoked for failure to pay court fees, and the officer noted the smell of marijuana coming from the vehicle. She claimed she had smoked earlier, but nothing was currently in the vehicle. A search was conducted and resulted in the seizure of a handgun, a small amount of cocaine (0.5 grams) packaged to sell, 32 grams of marijuana, and a scale.

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Brian Holycross charged in assault of daughters over smoking weed inside the house

40-year-old Brian Keith Holycross is currently jailed in lieu of a $2,000 bond after assaulting his juvenile daughters during an argument over smoking marijuana inside the house. Mr. Holycross says he was confronting his oldest juvenile daughter about the situation, and at some point, he threw a basketball into her face. Hearing the commotion, his youngest daughter then came down the stairs, and all three got into a fistfight, with the children landing multiple punches and scrapes and scratches to their father’s face.

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Marty Lambert left dogs to die when evicted from home, police say

54-year-old Marty Dawn Lambert was evicted from her Clarksville home on October 27th, and when the landlord entered the property on November 1st to assess the damages to the property, he found two puppies without food or water, and a third one that had died. Officers observed the two remaining dogs locked on the back porch of the home without any food or water other than what the landlord had given them upon arrival. A warrant was issued for Lambert’s arrest, charging her with cruelty to animals. She was booked on November 21st, and is free on a $1,500 bond.

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Levi Stewart says he “lost control” when he strangled his wife in argument over sex

41-year-old Levi Kenneth Alexander Stewart says he “lost control” when he strangled his wife until she couldn’t breathe on November 21. Diane Stewart says she and Levi were arguing over intimacy issues and the death of her ex-husband when Levi suddenly pushed her onto the couch when she attempted to stand up. He placed his hands around her neck until she could no longer breathe for a few moments. Moments later, she was able to flee to a neighbor’s home to call police. Bond conditions prevent Levi from using or owning any weapons until trial, except for military duties.

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Ortega Regules popped for DUI while traveling 70 in a 40 mph zone

Sporting a popped collar even in his mugshot, 32-year-old Ortega Aquilino Regules faces multiple charges after deputies say he was traveling 70 mph in a 40 mph zone while intoxicated. The traffic stop occurred on Providence Blvd as Regulas was driving his 2009 Nissan Altima. Police say he reeked of alcohol and admitted to consuming “two beers” before driving. Once at booking, it was learned he also had an outstanding warrant from 2019, also for DUI.

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Chasity Wall booked on outstanding assault warrant

In January 2022, Douglas Wall reported to police that his 46-year-old soon-to-be ex-wife, Chasity Ann Wall, assaulted him earlier in the day. Officers documented minor injuries to his nose and chest. His wife had already left the scene, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. That warrant was served this week, charging her with aggravated domestic assault and violating an order of protection.

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Caregiver Kelsey Campbell stole from elderly lady she was caring for

28-year-old Kelsey Ann Campbell was working as a caregiver for a family when it was discovered she was writing checks from the elderly lady’s account to herself and cashing them. The victim’s daughter discovered the activity when she was given power of attorney over her mother’s finances. The total amount stolen was $200. She is free on a $45,000 bond.

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Soldier Joshua Dagrin casually walks away from DUI crash after injuring woman

26-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Joshua Dagrin, who was recently named the ‘Iron Warrior of the Week’ of the Rakkasans, crashed his vehicle into another vehicle at 17th and Broadway in Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning and casually walked away from the scene. The injured driver of the other vehicle stated she watched Dagrin walk away from the accident, and Dagrin’s passenger, Danielle Caron, confirmed that Dagrin was the driver. He was located up the street and admitted he drank “a couple of beers” before driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking.

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Brian Wolff charged with pulling gun on woman, throwing her across a room

Melinda Sanchez says she was at Wolff Auto Sales on Providence Blvd when 45-year-old Brian Ray Wolff became argumentative with her and her husband. She says Wolff then pulled a gun and pointed it at the couple, then placed the gun on the table and physically assaulted Melinda, throwing her across the room. Wolff is charged with assault and is free on a $5,000 bond.

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Yoneisha Daniels charged with harassment / making threats to another woman

Shakyia Morris says that 23-year-old Yoneisha Antonetta Daniels won’t stop contacting her, despite repeated requests to stop. She filed a complaint and appeared before a magistrate to swear out a warrant in October, stating that Daniels was threatening physical harm to her. Daniels was booked on the outstanding warrant this week.

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Kalvin Giordano jailed after failing to appear on citation for half-gram of weed

27-year-old Kalvin Daniel Giordano was booked into the Montgomery County Jail this week after he failed to appear in court for a year-old citation for possession of less than a half-gram of marijuana. The original citation was issued in July of 2021 when an officer approached him at the Gateway Inn & Suites, and he disclosed he had a small amount of marijuana on him when questioned. According to an arrest report, the weight of the marijuana was just under half of a gram. Police say he was scheduled to appear in court in November of 2021 but never showed up. A judge issued a bench warrant for his arrest, which was served on him this week. He is free on a $2,500 bond.

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Clarksville Police seize over 5 pounds of Fentanyl in Montgomery Commons Apartment — Alexus Bush & Arsenio Chandler arrested

28-year-old Alexus Unique Bush & 34-year-old Arsenio Dontrell Chandler face multiple charges after Clarksville Police executed a search warrant and recovered 5.89 pounds of Fentanyl, 338 grams of marijuana, 64 grams of methamphetamine, scales, baggies, and handguns. The warrant was executed at the Montgomery Commons apartment belonging to Alexus Bush. Just prior to the raid, officers observed Arsenio Chandler arrive and depart from the location, and he had a key to the residence.

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Siblings arrested after brawl: Asia & Da Vanjai Neighbors

Police say 19-year-old Da Vanjai Neighbors was in a fight with his sister that ended up with him grabbing her around the neck and strangling her until she lost consciousness. As she was waking up, he reportedly began hitting and punching her in the head.

As the fight continued, 18-year-old Asia Neighbors says he took her phone, and when he kept pulling away, she knocked him off balance, grabbed his shoulders, and then fell to the ground when he hear-hugged her. Once on the ground, he was still holding onto his sister, so she began to punch him in the groin. A witness eventually separated the two, and as the brother was leaving, she grabbed his leg and caused him to fall over a second time.

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Gary Wright assaults mother while she watches Yellowstone in shared hotel room

Giner Love was at the InTown Suites Sunday night with her 48-year-old son, Gary Dean Wright, as she watched Yellowstone and Gary drunkenly slept. Clarksville Police were called to the room for the report of a domestic disturbance and could hear yelling from outside the room as Gary called his mother derogatory names. Gary initially told police his mother had assaulted him but could not provide any details.

His mother told police she was watching her program when he woke up from a drunken sleep and slapped her in the face multiple times. Officers documented blood on bother sides of her nose from the assault.

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Soldier Sam Heitlauf charged after pulling guns on friends & making threats while drunk

20-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Hans Samuel “Sam” Heitlauf was drinking with a group of friends at his house late Thursday night, including John Scott and JaMichael Moore. Witnesses say he became irritated with people being in his home and pulled a pistol from his waistband and pointed it at one of the victims before his friends disarmed him. The soldier, who is too young to be drinking, and too immature to be armed, then pulled an AR-style rifle at his guests and cocked it…

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