DUI: Rogeric Swader falls asleep in Chevy Impala after consuming Fentanyl

59-year-old Rogeric Swader was seen in a black Chevy Impala falling asleep at Plymouth Road on March 2nd. When officers arrived, Swader could be seen throwing his arms around and yelling inside the vehicle. Once officers asked Swader to step out of the car, he exhibited involuntary outbursts of movement. Swader had trouble answering simple questions and forming sentences. Officers noted that Swader had pinpoint pupils as well. When asked where he came from, Swader explained that he had just gotten off work but didn’t know where he was. Swader consented to a probable cause search of his car. The search yielded a wallet with fentanyl residue inside it. Sobriety tests could not be performed due to the Swader’s failure to maintain balance and involuntary movements. Rogeric Swader was taken into custody and charged with simple possession and driving under the influence.

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DUI: Elenor Barretta found passed out in car after drinking 5 beers

26-year-old Elenor Barretta was seen passed out in a Black Kia Sedan at Tracy Lane on January 15th. Once officers were able to wake her, she opened the door and introduced herself. As she introduced herself, officers recognized the scent of alcohol that was on her breath. Officers then observed five empty beer cans in the passenger seat. Barretta was then asked if she had drunk anything that could impair her driving, and she said no. Officers requested Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, Barretta consented and performed poorly on them. When officers searched Barretta’s car, they found a green leaf substance that tested positive for THC. Elenor Barretta was taken into custody and charged with driving under the influence and simple possession.

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Jeremiah Carter drunk and disorderly at the Days Inn

26-year-old Jeremiah Carter was booked on August 9th after police found him outside the Days Inn in North Clarksville drunk and possibly high on narcotics. He was unsteady on his feet, had bloodshot eyes, and slurred when he spoke. Carter was a public nuisance and a danger to others by threatening a woman who was sitting in her vehicle. He admitted to drinking alcohol, and officers located 3.3 grams of marijuana in his pocket.

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Rishawn Crump says Drake sent him the marijuana he was found with

33-year-old Rishawn Chandler Crump failed to show up for court on August 31st, so the judge issued an order for his arrest. He was served with that capias (failure to appear) warrant on September 14th. He was scheduled to appear on a simple drug possession citation that was issued after police found him with marijuana during a domestic call in July. When the officer asked if the marijuana was his, Crump initially replied, “I have a guy in the Netherlands,” and then stated, “Drake sent it to me.” Crump’s invitation to the cookout may be in jeopardy.

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Nicholas Pietka found unconscious behind wheel of car at Hobby Lobby after using drugs

Officer Donta Daniel of the Clarksville Police Department responded to a report of an unconscious male in the driver’s seat of a vehicle at the Hobby Lobby on Wilma Rudolph Blvd on August 28th just after 5:30 p.m. He observed 34-year-old Nicholas Pietka as being unresponsive and busted out the window to render aid to the man as he remained unconscious. Eventually, Pietka came to, and the officer observed a bag of white powder, believed to be heroin, in the vehicle. Pietka admitted to using drugs the night prior and refused all forms of testing. At the time of his arrest for this incident, he was out on bond for a pending DUI case in June.

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Man admits to drinking, actually PASSES field sobriety tests — Zla Holder

Clarksville Police say 30-year-old Zla Holder failed to completely stop at a stop sign on the night of February 12th while driving his silver Ford F-150. As officer Steven Davis initiated a traffic stop and approached the vehicle, Holder fled the vehicle and ran behind a row of houses in the neighborhood. He was located soon after and gave consent to search his vehicle. Officers located an open bottle of Jameson, an open can of Mike’s Twisted Tea, two empty bottles of brandy, and 0.99 grams of marijuana.

Holder admitted to drinking at the casino earlier and consuming some of the Twisted Tea drink. Police say that “due to his ability to run while evading arrest, and successful completion of field sobriety tests” he was not charged with DUI.

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