Timothy Kappas punches & strangles his employee for dropping paint on carpet

49-year-old Timothy Kappas was caught after getting into a fight with one of his employees, Jason Yoreck, at a Racker Drive residence on August 7th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Yoreck, who claimed he was involved in a fight with Kappas, his boss. Yoreck informed officers that Kappas had punched him in the face and strangled him. Yoreck stated that this caused him to lose the ability to breathe. Yoreck also claimed that he was about to pass out and that his vision became blurry. Officers noticed that Yoreck had numerous cuts on his face and multiple red marks around his neck. The injuries were consistent with being punched in the face and strangled. Officers then spoke with Kappas, who stated that he had gotten into an altercation with Yoreck because he had thrown paint on the carpet. Kappas informed officers that he confronted Yoreck about the paint, which is when Yoreck Shoved him against a wall. Kappas then told officers that this was when he punched Yoreck in the face and grabbed him by the neck to restrain him. Due to Kappas having the ability to get away from Yoreck and not doing so, he was deemed the primary aggressor. Kappas was taken into custody for aggravated assault.

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Earl Reed gets into shoving match with boyfriend during argument

21-year-old Earl Reed was involved in a domestic altercation with his boyfriend, Prince Bullock, at their Cedar Court residence on August 4th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Reed about the incident. Reed told officers that he and Bullock were in the middle of having a good night when they got into an argument. Reed stated that during the argument, they got physical and started pushing each other. The confrontation momentarily paused as Bullock headed to their room to retrieve his gun. After stopping and following Bullock into the room, Reed got on top of Bullock once he saw him with the gun. During the struggle for the gun, a shot was fired, however, it did not hit anyone. Bullock then began biting Reed to get him off of him. Reed retrieved the weapon and threw it into the backyard before the officers’ arrival. Reed was later taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on August 5th.

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Joshua Dycus chokes girlfriend with radio cord during argument over $30

33-year-old Joshua Dycus was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Latraysa Ussery, at their Lincoln Drive residence on July 11th. On July 24th, officers received a call from Ussery stating that Dycus was sitting outside of their home selling drugs. When officers arrived and spoke with Ussery, she told them that Dycus had assaulted her on the 11th. She stated that the incident started when Dycus came home from his son’s football game and accused her of stealing $30. An argument ensued where Dycus, at some point, grabbed a cord from a radio, wrapped it around her neck, and tightened it.

Ussery reported that she had also been punched in the face. Initially, officers were unable to observe any visible injuries. However, Ussery provided a video that clearly showed her with a bloody nose, showing evidence of the incident. When officers spoke with Dycus, he told them he had been giving Ussery money to help her stay afloat. He stated that once he stopped, she got angry with him. Despite Joshua Dycus insisting he never laid a hand on Ussery, authorities promptly arrested him and charged him with aggravated domestic assault on July 24th.

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Trayevon Craig strangles & “body slams” girlfriend during argument over ten dollars

32-year-old Trayevon Craig was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Chasity Cable, at a residence on Chaple Street on July 22nd. When officers spoke with Cable about the incident, she stated the fight started because she had lost ten dollars. According to Cable, during the altercation, Craig “body slammed” her onto the ground. Cable also noted that Craig struck her with a wooden object across her legs and strangled her. Officers observed several injuries, including bruising on her left arm, leg, and chest. However, they did not see the knot that Cable claimed she had on her head, which she claimed came from when Craig “body slammed” her. Craig was later found and taken into custody for aggravated domestic assault on July 24th.

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Clifford Beaver III allegedly harasses woman via numerous unwanted texts & phone calls

36-year-old Clifford Beaver III was caught after allegedly harassing Samantha Baker on July 22nd. That day, Baker reported that she had told Beaver III to stop contacting her. However, Beaver III continued calling her and sending numerous unwanted messages. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and he was later taken into custody for harassment on July 27th.

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La’Quavia Holt assaults ex-boyfriend & threatens to assault his grandma during altercation

18-year-old La’Quavia Holt had a domestic altercation with her ex-boyfriend, Charles Fugua, at his Wildwood Drive residence late July 21st. Fugua told responding officers that Holt had come to his home. Fugua added the she then pulled his hair and clothing. Fugua declined to write a statement. A ring camera at Fugua’s recorded Holt pushing her way into the house before threatening to assault his grandmother. Holt was later taken into custody for domestic assault on July 22nd.

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Jerri Williams steals $4,000 Cadillac from Old South Auto Sales after being allowed to leave with the vehicle

49-year-old Jerri Williams was caught after stealing a vehicle from Old South Auto Sales on Providence Boulevard on March 9th. On that day, Mary Martinez, an employee of Old South Auto Sales, reported that Williams had allegedly stolen a motor vehicle. Martinez informed officers that on the 7th, Williams test-drove a Cadilac valued at $4,000. When Williams was done, she agreed to pay the money, but Williams claimed she had to meet her sister for the money. Williams was allowed to leave with the vehicle to get the money but never returned. Old South Auto made multiple attempts to contact Williams, but they were unable to do so. On March 15th, Edward Page, another employee of Old South Auto, identified Williams as the woman who stole the vehicle. A warrant was issued, and Williams was taken into custody for theft of a motor vehicle on July 18th.

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