Debbie McKenna jailed after attacking gay roommate

60-year-old Debbie McKenna was booked after assaulting her roommate on Peachers Mill Road. Steven Gray advised that he had just gotten home and was met by McKenna, who was yelling slurs and demanding he and his boyfriend move out immediately. As Steven tried to squeeze by Ms. McKenna to de-escalate the situation, she hit him in the face. The boyfriend corroborated the events of the incident, and the police couldn’t get a consistent story from Ms. McKenna.

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Keila Ruiz Sillas charged in assault of mother during argument about money

23-year-old Keila Ruiz Sillas was booked on August 29th after trying to fight her mother at their home on Hilldale Lane. Maria Del Rosario Sillas Lopez told police that she and her daughter had gotten into a heated argument regarding a credit card bill. According to Maria, her daughter was stressed about money and tried to grab her purse, which started a struggle between the two.

Oscar Sanchez Casero stated that he jumped between the two during the tussle over the purse and grabbed it to de-escalate the situation. At that point, Keila started attacking her mother by scratching and punching her. Maria claims she fought back in self-defense, but Keila states that it was her mother who initiated the fight when she pushed her to the ground, got on top of her, and scratched and punched her. There was video evidence of the end of the fight. Maria had scratches on her neck and shoulder, and Keila had scratches on her face and arms. Due to the accusations and visible injuries of both parties, both Maria and Keila were placed into custody.

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Parent Ashley Douthat — too drunk at High School Football Game

34-year-old Ashley Douthat was jailed on August 29th when police responded to reports of a noticeably drunk woman at the Clarksville High football game. When they arrived, they observed her yelling and arguing with her son about him not wanting to drive home with her while she was drunk. The parents of other students complained about Ms. Douthat causing a scene with her son and stated that she told them she had been drinking. When police made contact with Ms. Douthat, she started yelling and arguing with them and was taken into custody.

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Clarksville City Council asks to be exempted from state Sunshine laws

During Thursday night’s regular session of the Clarksville City Council, members voted to ask the state to make the Sunshine laws not apply to the body and city government, with multiple council members stating the law, which states all things done on behalf of the public must be done within the light of the public, gets in their way of being collaborative and having private conversations.

The amendment’s sponsor, Wallace Redd, says he feels the local council body should simply be following the same rules as the state legislature, which he says has less restrictive sunshine laws and more restrictions on public records and communications between council members on matters of public interest.

An amendment, proposed by controversial council member Wallace Redd, asks the state to “allow local governments to fall under the same ‘Sunshine laws’ and rules that the state legislature follows.” While council person Brian Zacharias noted that the amendment should be that the state legislature follows the more open rules that local governments follow, Redd did not change the direction the amendment flowed and opined that local governments should not have to follow the current state Sunshine laws, which requires all conversations, decisions, and communications to be open to the public.

No matter Redd’s original intention, other council members quickly opined their feelings on the current sunshine law. Outspoken Council Member Karen Reynolds says she believes the “sunshine law as written stifles communication and collaboration.” Council Member Wanda Smith inquired how this would impact the ethics codes, with Redd replying that if it became law, violations of it would no longer be unethical. Council Member Wanda Allen says she agreed with the amendment and reiterated that current ethics violations would no longer be against the law if this became the new law.

The amendment passed 8-4-0, and will be included on this year’s legislative agenda – which will be presented to the state legislature as a list of the top items impacting Clarksville that the city wants the state to assist with. Voting yes: Zacharias, McLaughlin, Little, Redd, Marquis, Allen, Reynolds, Shakeenab. Voting no: Smith, Holleman, Streetman, Lovato.

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Jesse Jones charged in aggravated assault of wife during an argumnet

42-year-old Jesse Jones was jailed on August 24th after reportedly assaulting his wife during an argument about their marriage. According to Carita Jones, the argument turned physical when her husband began strangling her until she couldn’t breathe, pushing her back into the TV. Carita eventually pushed him off and tried to run out of the house, but Mr. Jones grabbed her by her hair. When police arrived, they observed the bedroom TV looking as if someone were pushed against it, and Carita’s scalp had redness to it. When Mr. Jones was asked what happened, he stated nothing happened, and they just argued.

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Cy Clark attempted to pawn two stolen firearms

41-year-old Cy Clark was jailed on August 23rd after attempting to pawn two stolen firearms at Cash American Pawn. When officers made contact with Clark, he had the two Heritage Arms Rough Rider Revolvers in his possession. The guns were reported stolen on August 22nd. Clark was transported to the precinct to be interviewed where he told two inconsistent stories regarding how he came into possession of the guns and was transported to Montgomery County Jail.

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Davion Dozier jailed: 9.5 zips of marijuana found during theft investigation

19-year-old Davion Dozier was booked on an outstanding warrant from April 5th when Michael Matlock reported his 2019 Nissan Sentra had been burglarized. Matlock advised that his wallet, identifying documents, and Tile Tracking device had been stolen. On August 23rd, a warrant was issued to search Dozier’s home on Montrose Drive for a burglary investigation. The search yielded Matlock’s missing items plus 256.8 grams (9.5 zips) of marijuana, a Glock 19X, a barrel to another Glock, a digital scale, and several other wallets belonging to other victims. The serial number to the barrel of the Glock was reported stolen from another vehicle burglary.

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Jennifer Owens steals dog & attacks owner, per report

38-year-old Jennifer Owens was booked on an outstanding warrant from September 27th when she allegedly broke into a home on Briar Hill Drive and stole their pit bull. Police spoke with Frank Somner and his girlfriend, Amber Mayfield, who stated they were asleep in their room when they were woken up by a loud noise in the kitchen. Owens and her juvenile daughter had forced their way into the home. Ms. Mayfield noticed her pitbull was taken from the house and put in the back of Owen’s vehicle.

When she tried to save her dog, she was attacked by Ms. Owens and her daughter. Ms. Mayfield says she was punched and kicked while lying on the ground. Ms. Owens then walked back into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and cut Ms. Mayfield on her arm. Finally, she threw a large boulder at Mr. Sumner’s vehicle, cracking his windshield before leaving

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Tyisha Lyles punches boyfriend in face during drunken argument

42-year-old Tyisha Lyles was jailed on August 23rd after assaulting her boyfriend on Dupuis Drive when he wouldn’t get up to pick up one of her friends. Police spoke with Mr. Benny Bird, who stated that he was upstairs asleep in the bedroom when his girlfriend came in and woke him up, stating that they needed to pick up a friend. After being told no, Ms. Lyles reportedly began attacking him, causing several cuts on his forearm. He got up and pushed her back, which only upset her more.

Police say Ms. Lyles punched Mr. Bird in the ear, breaking his skin and causing him to bleed. She punched him in the face several times before they went downstairs and argued. According to Mr. Bird, he became so frustrated he began punching holes in the wall before waiting outside for police to arrive. A check through NCIC showed Ms. Lyles in violation of an active COR with Mr. Bird as the protected party. She also admitted to drinking alcohol, which is another violation of her COR conditions.

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Schekeithia Trice charged in brutal assault of woman at Mall

32-year-old Schekeithia Trice was jailed on August 16th after assaulting a woman on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard. Aranzazu Anastasi told police that during an altercation, Ms. Trice slammed a car door on her leg, grabbed her by the neck, threw her to the ground, and tried to hit her with her car. Malayna Clawson was on the scene during the time of the incident and corroborated Ms. Anastasi’s statements. Police observed apparent bruising to her left leg, chest, and neck. Ms. Trice was taken into custody and transported to Montgomery County Jail.

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David Ray Knudson jailed on DUI charge in Clarksville

51-year-old David Ray Knudson was jailed on August 16th after his girlfriend, Vania Zydel, reported he was possibly drunk and texting her that he was suicidal. Deputies had previously looked for Knudson for making suicidal statements, but his whereabouts were unknown. Ms. Zydel explained that her boyfriend was probably outside of her house on Holland Drive in his tan GMC. As police approached Ms. Zydel’s residence, they observed a tan GMC pass them on Rollow Lane, going towards Dunlop. The officers followed the truck and noticed it swerve several times. A traffic stop was initiated, and Knudson admitted to being drunk and driving. He consented to field sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was taken into custody.

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Soldier Breana Husband charged with harassing a man from a date

He’s just not that into you — 26-year-old Breanna Husband was booked on an outstanding warrant from June when she continued reaching out to Tyler Hemingway after he advised her not to contact him again. Breana and Tyler met up for dinner and a movie on June 23rd and then went their separate ways. Breana continued to call and text Tyler and was even showing up at his house. One night, he had more than ten missed calls from Breana. She has also reached out to his family members.

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Dlanod Thomas assaults wife, pulls her hair

42-year-old Dlanod Thomas was jailed on August 22nd for assaulting his wife after an argument on Paradise Hill Road. Officers spoke with Tiffany Wheeler, who said her husband picked her up and pushed her against the wall. He then pulled her hair and left the house. Ms. Wheeler had an abrasion on her right hip. Police found Mr. Thomas a short distance from the location of the incident, and he admitted to assaulting his wife. He was placed under arrest and transported to booking.

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Rajun Hubbard breaks into homes and douses himself with water from sinks

21-year-old Rajun Hubbard was jailed on August 21st after police responded to a breaking and entering call on Rossview Road. Victim 1 told police that she heard a crash and then heard yelling from downstairs. When she went downstairs to investigate, she saw a man. Victim 2 then came downstairs to try to calm Mr. Hubbard down. Both victims stated that Mr. Hubbard started screaming and banged his fists on the stove before spraying himself with the kitchen faucet to cool himself off. After all the chaos, Mr. Hubbard abruptly ran out of the house. When the police arrived, they observed the door knocked off the hinges.

There was another report of breaking and entering that same day on Fairview Lane. The complainant advised that Mr. Hubbard broke the back door to get in and left the faucet running outside of the sink, causing flooding to the bottom floor of the apartment. The estimated total in damages was $1,300. When the officers arrived, they observed Mr. Hubbard on the ground with multiple lacerations surrounded by broken glass next to the back door.

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Kiarah Slaughter charged in assault of wife during argument

23-year-old Kiarah Slaughter was jailed on August 19th after assaulting her wife at their home on King Road. Police spoke with Paola Gonzales, who stated that her wife came upstairs into her room without permission and began to argue about a prior domestic assault that happened earlier that night. While they spoke about the incident, tensions began to rise, and Slaughter pushed Gonzales onto the bed, where they began to wrestle. Gonzales then grabbed her phone and called 911.

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DUI: Soldier Dylan Soifua charged after using alcohol & Hydrocodone

23-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Dylan Soifua was jailed on August 19th when police pulled over a white sedan with Missouri tags after they observed it swerving in and out of lanes on Fort Campbell Boulevard. When police made contact with Soifua, he smelled strongly of alcohol and had bloodshot, watery eyes. He admitted to drinking alcohol an hour before driving. He also stated that he was taking his prescribed hydrocodone. Soifua consented to a sobriety test but performed poorly and was transported to Sango ER for a blood draw.

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Deshawn Allen pulls gun & threatens to kill girlfriend for ‘playing with his feelings’

23-year-old Deshawn Allen was jailed on August 18th after threatening his fiancée with a gun when he saw text messages from another man in her phone. Jaden Shelby Wall reported to the Sheriff’s Office that on the night of August 13th, She and Allen got into an argument about the text message, and it turned violent when he snatched her into the bedroom by her arms. She jerked to get away from him, and he shoved her with both hands on the bed. Ms. Wall rolled off the bed onto the floor to try to get away from him, but he pulled out a loaded Glock 19 with a 30-round magazine from his backpack and stood over her. While Allen was aiming the gun at Ms. Wall, he told her he was going to kill her for cheating on him and playing with his feelings. Ms. Wall began to cry and begged him to put the gun down. She believed she was going to be shot to death.

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Gaige Wagoner charged in assault of father over rent money

24-year-old Gaige Wagoner was jailed on August 18 after someone reported an elderly man who appeared to have been in a fight. Police responded and spoke with Cameron Wagoner, who stated that he and his son got into a physical altercation over rent. Cameron had significant bruising and lacerations to his face and blood on his shirt. When police questioned Gaige about the incident, he advised that he and his father were having an argument until his father tried to “swing” at him. Due to the significant injuries, Gaige was determined to be the primary aggressor.

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