Soldier Everoljr Joseph Bruce charged with DUI on Tiny Town Road

29-year-old Everoljr Joseph Bruce was jailed on July 2nd after being pulled over on Tiny Town Road when officers observed his Toyota Tacoma swerving on the road. He had red glossy eyes, and officers could smell alcohol coming from his vehicle. Bruce admitted that he had been drinking at his last location. He was unable to provide proof of insurance and was asked to participate in field sobriety tests. He performed poorly, was taken into custody, and transported to Sango ER for a blood draw.

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Paul Stevenson charged with DUI after leaving wedding

36-year-old Paul Stevenson was jailed on July 2nd after being pulled over on Tiny Town Road when officers observed him swerving in the roadway. He had red glossy eyes, and officers could smell alcohol coming from his Buick. Stevenson said he was coming from a wedding where he had been drinking. He was unable to provide proof of insurance and was asked to participate in field sobriety tests. He performed poorly and was taken into custody.

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Donnell Winn lets child he’s babysitting walk away for hours

20-year-old Donnell Winn was booked on June 20th after neglectfully allowing a twenty-three-month-old child that was in his care to leave his residence and wander around outside an apartment complex on Needmore Road. A neighbor was on her way to work and found the child knocking on the door and playing in the street, so she took the child to another neighbor due to her being known to babysit children in the complex. Officers exhausted multiple efforts to locate the child’s parents by canvassing surrounding buildings, knocking door to door, and sirens and loud hails over the patrol car PA system throughout the complex. But their efforts were unsuccessful, so they reached out to DCS.
Later the child’s father called in, stating that his one-year-old child was missing and that he paid his brother, Mr. Winn, to babysit because he had no other plans for a sitter. When he got home, he asked where his son was, and Mr. Winn told him he didn’t know. Mr. Winn told police that sometime during the morning, his nephew managed to open the door to his apartment and leave.

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Tiffany Timko took money, didn’t provide puppy; jailed, banned from AKC

23-year-old Tiffany Timko was jailed on June 30 and charged with theft after she agreed to sell a Cane Corso puppy to a person but never provided the puppy, despite taking the money. The victim provided police with a copy of the signed contract between the parties and receipts showing payments to Timko for $3,274 via CashApp and Zelle. When initially contacted by police, Timko stated she could not locate any documents for the victim and was dumbfounded by the accusation.

In addition to criminal charges, Timko has been suspended from the American Kennel Club (AKC) for ten years, and a $2,000 fine was imposed for violation of their inappropriate treatment of animals policy. In 2021, Timko was additionally charged with cruelty to animals. She continues to post ads on social media advertising her “full-time doggy boarding/doggy daycare” from her home in Clarksville.

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Akina Sodansky charged with DUI after illegal U-turn

30-year-old Akina Sodansky was jailed on June 22nd after police observed her make an illegal U-turn with an inoperable light in her gray Volkswagon Jetta at Kings Deer Drive and Sherwood Hills Drive. When police made contact with Akina, they noticed her red glossy eyes with pinpoint pupils as they waited for proof of insurance which she was not able to provide. It took a while for Akina to explain what she was doing as sweat was beading from her forehead. She agreed to participate in field sobriety tests and performed poorly on them. She was taken into custody and was unsteady on her feet as she made her way to the patrol vehicle. Akina was transported to Sango ER for a blood sample and then taken to booking.

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Nathalie Araujo Salazar charged with trespassing at a home while owner was away

24-year-old Nathalie Araujo Salazar was booked on June 28th for a trespassing incident that happened on May 21st. Shonna Johnson told police that Nathalie entered her home on Fox Tail Drive while she was away in Florida after being told not to come onto her property. Nathalie was caught on camera entering the home, and a warrant was issued for her arrest.

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Jaime Rivera jailed for home improvement fraud

39-year-old Jaime Rivera was jailed on June 29th after failing to complete repairs that he was paid to do for a homeowner. Diana Hightland told police that she was in a contract with Rivera to repair and do construction on her home. She said she paid Rivera approximately $32,000 for the repairs, and he has not completed them or refunded the money despite multiple opportunities to do so. Diana told police that Rivera completed approximately $15,000 worth of repairs as of March 14th. Diana added that on May 8th, she sent a refund request via USPS-certified mail that was still not completed as of June 27th. He is charged with home improvement fraud.

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Trent Montgomery drops pants & urinates toward woman at dog park in Clarksville

57-year-old Trent Montgomery was jailed on June 29th after walking up to a woman at a dog park and urinating in her direction. The woman told police that she was playing with her dog at the Autumn Winds Apartment’s community dog park when she saw a man wearing a dark-colored hat, black shirt, gray shorts, and a goatee. He came to the area she was at and urinated while facing her, exposing his genitals to her. She yelled at him to stop, and when he didn’t, she took pictures and videos of the incident.

She believed that the man intentionally pointed his penis in her direction while urinating, and she was extremely offended by his actions. When police arrived at the dog park, they saw a man that matched the description sitting in the driver’s seat of a vehicle with a beer in his lap. There were multiple empty cans inside the vehicle, and he slurred as he told police that he had been there drinking for a while that day.

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Michael Davis charged with check fraud from post office drop box in Clarksville

18-year-old Michael Davis was jailed on June 12th after he was caught altering two checks that totaled $7,500. Timothy Wolford told police that he placed two personal checks inside the self-service slot at the post office on May 29th. He said that a check for $1,500 for Southwest Visa was misrepresented as Michael A. Davis, which was presented at a Fortera Credit Union ATM on May 31st. Mr. Davis’s bank statement shows the check was deposited on May 31st into his account.

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Soldier Cody Counterman jailed after DUI checkpoint finds him inebriated

27-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Cody Counterman was observed at a sobriety checkpoint on May 26 just before midnight on Hwy 41-A. When an officer approached Counterman, he said that Counterman reeked of alcohol coming from his body. Counterman also had bloodshot and watery eyes. When Counterman was asked how many drinks he had taken, he responded with four Miller Lites at a friend’s house and that he was heading home. Counterman was given three sobriety tests and performed poorly on all three. He was then placed under arrest and taken into Montgomery County Jail, charged with DUI.

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Soldier Trevor Calhoun jailed after drunkenly fighting with other soldiers

23-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Trevor Calhoun was involved in a fight with fellow soldiers just after 10 p.m. on June 15 on Robb Avenue. Officers arrived to find him with bloody clothing and injuries to his face. He would not provide the names of the multiple people who assaulted him, only confirming they were fellow soldiers. He was visibly intoxicated and reeked of alcohol. He admitted to having “two drinks” earlier in the night. Due to the multiple calls about the fight and his condition, Calhoun was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

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Soldier Matthew Thornton charged with assaulting wife with vehicle during argument

22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Matthew Thornton was jailed after hitting his wife with his vehicle. The couple had an argument on June 18, during which he grabbed the phone from his wife, Bailey Thornton. She says she tried to retrieve the phone as her husband got into his vehicle, but he placed the vehicle into reverse, causing the passenger door to impact her body. She says after she was hit by the door, she jumped out of the way and was worried he was going to run over her. Officers documented minor injuries to the victim.

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Melissa Woods jailed after slapping her child in the face until his nose bled

40-year-old Melissa Woods is charged with child abuse of her 12-year-old son after admitting to slapping him in the face multiple times until he suffered a nosebleed. She told police the child was “being disrespectful and cursing” at her, so she advised him to stop, or she would “pop him in the mouth.” When he continued, she slapped him in the face multiple times.

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Ashley Johnson punches husband after he smashes her phone during argument

25-year-old Ashley Johnson was jailed in June after assaulting her husband, Fort Campbell soldier Blake Johnson. He destroyed her phone out of frustration, and she punched him in response. She admitted to going to the couch where he was sitting and punching him. She then took his cell phone and called his mother before calling 911 to report the damage to her phone.

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Austin Mellender charged with credit card fraud on Amazon account

18-year-old Austin Mellender is charged with credit card fraud after making purchases on an Amazon Account for which he was not authorized. Lisha Williams advised that an unauthorized purchase for $312, and another for $235, had been made on her Amazon account, and one was being delivered to Two Guys Automotive on Hwy 48. The owner advised an employee’s son was expecting a package there, and police made contact with Mellender, who confessed to the fraud. He stated his current phone number previously belonged to Williams, allowing him access to her Amazon account.

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Shirley Evans jailed after trying “new sex act” on her husband

Police say 27-year-old Shirley Evans was trying a “new sex act” on her husband, Devin Evans, when he told her to stop, which led to an argument between the two. Both parties were extremely intoxicated, and Devin says he pushed her off of the bed, and the argument was over at that time. She called 911 and reported her husband hit her and disconnected the call. She then followed him downstairs as he tried to get away from the situation. She reportedly then slapped him and began a new assault on him, before answering the callback from 911. She was determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken into custody.

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Brandy Gray charged with child abuse after leaving child home alone

33-year-old Brandy Gray was jailed on June 12th after leaving her 4-year-old autistic son home alone for over an hour and a half. Neighbors on Sunfield Drive reported a child running around the neighborhood with no shoes and no supervision. The complainant and her husband said they saw the boy return to his house but ran back out. They said while he was outside unsupervised, he was almost hit by a truck. When police arrived, they saw where the boy lived and noticed the front door was open. The officer entered the home, announced himself, and the boy walked down the stairs. There was no one else in the house. Police called Gray, who advised that she left the boy home alone after receiving a call that her grandmother had fallen, but she was on her way back from exit 40, where her grandmother lives.

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