Gabriel Rich bites stepfather during assault

18-year-old Gabriel Rich was jailed on June 7th after assaulting his stepfather during an argument at his home on Jarman Hollow Road. Mr. Rich lives in a camper on the property and was trying to enter his stepfather Chester Campbell’s home, leading to an argument. Mr. Rich got in Campbell’s face and threatened to body-slam him. Rich then pushed passed Campbell, trying to enter the house. Mr. Campbell pulled on Mr. Rich’s sweatshirt, trying to stop him, but he took off his shirt and threw it at Mr. Campbell. He then bit Mr. Campbell on his forearm. It was later discovered that Mr. Rich had a valid warrant for a previous domestic assault and was taken into custody.

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Tandra Pickett jailed after misleading police about gun during altercation

31-year-old Tandra Pickett was jailed on June 7th after she misled the police about a handgun that was present at a fight at Summit Heights apartments. During the initial investigation, it was determined that three weapons were used during the altercation, a baseball bat, a knife, and a handgun. The baseball bat and knife were collected, but Pickett denied several times using the gun during the altercation until admitting to having it for a short period of time. Police gave Ms. Pickett several opportunities to lead them to the gun, but she misled them by saying she got rid of it by throwing it in the trash. She then changed her story and said she gave the gun to her sister, who left the scene before police arrived, and there was no way of getting ahold of her.

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Tammee Dees charged in baseball bat assault of neighbor

26-year-old Tammee Dees was jailed after an altercation on June 7th at Summit Heights Apartment complex. Rena Osborne told police she had gotten into a fight with her next-door neighbor Tandra Pickett. While at Pickett’s door, Osbourne saw a baseball bat, so she went back into her apartment to grab a knife for protection because she knew Pickett had threatened people with guns in the past. Osborn said she went to her car to leave the situation, but once at her car Tammee threw the bat at her. When Osborne went to grab the bat, Tammee tried to grab the knife Osborne was carrying, and they both ended up with slices to their hands and wrists.

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Steven Retherford stalked ex-girlfriend; she feels ‘terrorized’ per report

45-year-old Steven Retherford was jailed on June 6th after reportedly stalking his ex-girlfriend Nadezhda Veleva. Veleva told police that she had been being terrorized by her ex-boyfriend since they broke up at the beginning of March. She showed police hundreds of unwanted text messages and emails that he sent. Steven also showed up at her house uninvited at least three times. In some of the messages, it was apparent that Steven was watching her home because he was asking whose car was in the driveway and if she was sleeping around on him. Veleva told police that she believes that Steven is unpredictable due to his current mental state.

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Walter Gawel strikes wife during “heated argument”

68-year-old Walter Gawel is charged with the domestic assault of his wife, Theresa ‘Terre’ Gawel, on the afternoon of June 5. She told police they two were in a “heated argument” when he struck her in the left side of her face twice. Officers documented redness on the victim’s left ear, and Walter was taken into custody.

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Marianna Key & Cody Miracle charged with child abuse of 3-year-old son

23-year-old Marianna Key & 29-year-old Cody Miracle were jailed on June 4th after a citizen found their 3-year-old son wandering and playing in the middle of Rossview Road. While attempting to locate the parents of the child, officers encountered multiple people who were familiar with the child and noted this was a recurring problem. Officers went to the home that several neighbors pointed them to and found Marianna and Cody, who were not aware their son was missing or in a nearby roadway. The child was taken into DCS custody.

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Johnny Leamon attacks man in restroom of Pinnacle Bowling Alley over sexual assault allegations

34-year-old Johnny Leamon was at a family gathering at Pinnacle Bowling Alley on June 3. Also at the venue was his wife’s cousin, Jeffery Swafford. As Swafford exited the restroom, he heard his name being called by Leamon. He move to shake his hand when Leamon suddenly punched him in the face. Leamon was escorted out of the venue by Michel Poole, but police contacted him via phone. He admitted to the assault and explained he punched the victim in the face due to allegations that he sexually assaulted a family member. Officers documented significant bruising and swelling to the victim’s face, along with a laceration.

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Fort Cambell Soldier Graham Miller charged in assault of wife

22-year-old Graham Miller is charged is the assault of his wife, Joanna Miller, at their State Line Road apartment on June 2. She told police the two were in a verbal argument over marital issues when he suddenly and forcibly took the keys to a shared vehicle from her hands. He then took the glasses from her face and toss them across the room. She said this repeated three times while he stood in the doorway, telling her she couldn’t leave. She then punched him in an attempt to escape and ripped a necklace from his neck. He then ripped a necklace from her neck. She says he also noticed a bracelet on her wrist and ripped it away, too. He then took her phone and placed it outside the apartment, and stated she needed to leave the residence. She left and called 911. Graham was determined to be the primary aggressor and was transported to jail.

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Dylan Smith had “too much” to drink before crashing his vehicle just before midnight

24-year-old Dylan Smith of Fort Campbell, KY, crashed his vehicle on Jack Miller Blvd on June 1 just before midnight. Responding officers asked Smith how much he had to drink, and he replied, “too much.” He was visibly intoxicated and stated he was “too drunk” to perform field sobriety tests. It was determined he was at fault for the crash after making a left turn across traffic. He was transported to Tennova and then booking, where he blew a 0.142% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Soldier Brandon Brown had Twisted Teas while fishing before driving his Jeep

26-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Brandon Brown told police he consumed a six-pack of Twisted Tea drinks while fishing on June 2 before getting behind the wheel of his silver Jeep just before 10 p.m. He was observed traveling 70 mph in a 55 mph zone on Hwy 149 near Hemitite Road. As the officer conducted a traffic stop, Brown reportedly reeked of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody, charged with DUI.

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Peter Huffed and puffed and assaulted his wife in the trailer park

Police say 50-year-old Peter Huff was in a verbal argument with his wife, Ashley Jones, on May 31, outside their trailer on Peach Street. As the argument continued, the victim says she took two steps inside their home when Peter swung and struck her, leaving her with small abrasions, which officers documented. Huff was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault.

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Luis Rosas jailed after using 3rd party to send messages; violating an order of protection

33-year-old Luis Rosas was jailed this week after using a 3rd party to relay messages to his wife, who has an order of protection against him, which includes a no-contact order. The messages were sent via text by the 3rd party on May 27 and May 28. Just days prior to this arrest, Rosas was also cited for a bong, a grinder, loose marijuana, and THC wax, which was found in his bathroom during an interaction with police.

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Cristian Espindola-Vizcaya charged with DUI after crash on Holly Pt

Police say 20-year-old Cristian Espindola-Vizcaya wrecked his vehicle on Holly Pt in Clarksville on May 27. Responding officers say he reeked of marijuana, and he admitted to smoking prior to driving. He appeared to be visibly under the influence of a drug. Inside the vehicle, officers also found a small amount of marijuana and a cut straw with white powder residue. He was transported to Sango ER for a blood draw and then to booking.

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Brandon Bradford charged in assault of girlfriend, breaks her thumbnail

23-year-old Brandon Bradford was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant from January, charging him with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Nathalie Araujo. The victim reports she came home from the gym, and the two had a verbal argument. Brandon then went outside “to speak to a friend” who turned out to be his mother. From outside, he called his girlfriend to demand she comes outside and speaks with his mother. She went outside, where his mother began to curse and push her. Brandon also caused an injury to her thumbnail before picking her up and throwing her down, according to the victim. He fled the residence before police arrived, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Zachary Galbreath charged in assault of girlfriend

22-year-old Zachary Galbreath was jailed this week on an outstanding warrant from January, charging him with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Jade Bickert. She told police he assaulted her by first throwing a glass at her and then hitting her in the back of the head and face. Officers documented a bloody nose on the victim, and she was treated by EMS. Galbreah fled the scene, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

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Clarksville Police arrest woman who was overdosing on Heroin — Melissa Ledbetter

51-year-old Melissa Ledbetter overdosed on Heroin on May 26th, and her boyfriend called 911 for help as he found her on her bed. Medics arrived, and she was treated for the overdose. Clarksville Police arrived and searched the immediate area, finding cut straws and a syringe with reside, though it was not enough to be tested. After her medical treatment was concluded and she was released, Clarksville Police Officer Alan Greenman charged her with possession of drug paraphernalia, and she was taken into custody.

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Daniel Huskey charged with DUI in parking lot of Mr. Billy’s Bar in Clarksville

46-year-old Daniel Huskey was at Mr. Billy’s Bar & Grill on May 28 when he attempted to leave while too intoxicated to drive. A concerned person called 911 as he stumbled to his vehicle, where he then urinated before getting inside. Officers arrived to find him in the driver’s seat with the vehicle on, and his head in his hand with his eyes closed. He reeked of alcohol and asked for officers to let him call someone to retrieve him rather than complete the requested field sobriety tests – a request they denied. He was transported to booking and charged with DUI.

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Erik Walker charged in assault of wife during argument over cell phone

Police say 31-year-old Erik Walker was in an argument with his wife, Breanna, on May 29 after he took her cell phone from her and would not return it. Bre was attempting to retrieve her cell phone to call her father to pick her up from the situation when she says Erik pushed her, causing her to fear for her safety. Both parties had been drinking, and she admits to pushing him on the shoulder to get him to release the phone. Officers noted a prior history of domestic disturbance calls for the couple and determined Erik to be the primary aggressor.

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