Shakera Smith “flips out” on ex-girlfriend, after showing up at her house drunk

31-year-old Shakera Smith was jailed on May 5th after slapping her ex-girlfriend in the face at her home on Beech Street. Shanon Palmore told police that she allowed Smith to stay the night when she arrived drunk. They started arguing, and then Smith started “flipping out.” She began throwing glasses in the kitchen and slapped Palmore in the face. Palmore locked herself in the bedroom so Smith couldn’t get to her, but Smith started kicking the door and trying to pick the lock to get to her. Palmore was so afraid she crawled out of her bedroom window and ran to the neighbor’s house to call 911. When she returned home, Smith was gone, and she had taken her cell phone, valued at $1,200.

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Sheriff’s Deputy Justin Williams-Harrell, 26, charged in rape of 16-year-old girl

26-year-old Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department Corrections Deputy Justin Williams-Harrell is charged with the felony aggravated statutory rape of a 16-year-old girl. The victim disclosed to her parents that she met Harrell through Facebook, where he used the name ‘Miles Morales.’ She believe him to be 23 years old when they first met, but eventually learned his true age throughout their relationship. She disclosed they had sexual intercourse at least three times at his apartment at the Villages at Peachers Mill in Clarksville. Williams-Harrell was interviewed on April 28 at the Sheriff’s Office, during which he admitted to having sex with the 16-year-old victim. His employment was also terminated at that time.

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Mary Schlernitzauer shot and killed a neighbor’s bloodhound puppy

61-year-old Mary Schlernitzauer was jailed on May 3 after shooting and killing a five-month-old Bloodhound puppy belonging to Khristina Knight, which reportedly jumped a fence and came onto her property. Mary initially claimed the puppy attacked her miniature dachshund dog, but then advised she was able to get her dog inside to safety, and the puppy posed no danger when she retrieved a shotgun and came back outside and shot it.

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Fort Campbell soldier Tyler Garner charged in series of Walmart shoplifting incidents

22-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Tyler Garner was jailed on May 3 on a series of outstanding warrants charging him with a plethora of shoplifting incidents at the Walmart on Wilma Rudolph Blvd in Clarksville. The incidents were on May 2, 2022: $43.28; May 10, 2022: $16.14; May 13, 2022: $85.93; May 31, 2022: $355.48; June 3, 2022: $11.89; and on June 17, 2022: $92.17… all totaling just over $600.

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Fort Campbell soldier Clint Gardner charged in 2 a.m. DUI after crash

Police say 25-year-old Fort Campbell soldier Clint Gardner ran a red light in his red El Camino on Fort Campbell Blvd just before 2 a.m. on April 30 and struck another vehicle. He suffered injuries from the accident and was transported to the hospital for treatment. Gardner admitted to drinking prior to driving but would not elaborate on how much or how long before. He reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech, according to first responders.

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Uber driver Bill Schenk charged with DUI, blamed it on passengers

When 59-year-old William ‘Bill’ Schenk was pulled over for making an illegal u-turn just before 3 a.m. on April 29, officers say he reeked of alcohol. Schenk stated he had been escorting many drunk people throughout the night as he was an Uber driver. He did not have an excuse for why he performed so poorly on field sobriety tests, or had watery and blood-shot eyes.

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Tiffany Hart pretends to be her daughter when caught shoplifting at Walmart

41-year-old Tiffany Hart matched the description of a shoplifter at the Walmart on Wilma Rudolph Blvd on May 2. When police approached her, she would only identify herself using her social security number. When the number was run, it came back to her daughter. Hart insisted multiple times that she was her daughter and not Tiffany Hart. She eventually admitted she gave false information and was charged with criminal impersonation. 

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Soldier Taylor Hanson “I had 8 Brigade Beers” before breaking sprinkler & flooding jail cell

25-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Taylor Hanson was jailed on May 2 after being found extremely intoxicated in a parking lot on Fort Campbell Blvd just after 1 a.m. He told police he consumed “8 Brigade Beers” prior to their interaction. Officers attempted to place him into custody, but he actively resisted arrest and had to be taken to the ground to gain compliance. While in a holding cell at booking, Hanson destroyed the sprinkler in his cell, causing water to rush throughout the facility. He was additionally charged with vandalism of critical infrastructure.. 

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Tyler Kuan charged after slapping his wife in her face “really hard”

33-year-old Tyler Kuan was charged with domestic assault on May 1 after his wife, Ashlea Kuan, told police he slapped her in the face “really hard.” The two were reportedly in a verbal altercation when she says he shoved her as she was holding their child. Once she placed the child on the ground, she says he slapped her in the face really hard. When officers asked Tyler what happened, he stated, “Ask her.” The victim had redness and signs of an assault. 

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Fort Campbell soldier Brandon Campbell faces 2nd DUI charge

27-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Brandon Campbell was traveling southbound on Fort Campbell Blvd at 1 a.m. on May 1 with no visible tail lights. An officer conducted a traffic stop, during which Campbell reportedly reeked of alcohol. He had trouble standing and had slurred speech during the interaction. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking, after a blood draw. Campbell has a prior conviction for DUI on Fort Campbell from February of 2021.

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Soldier Isileli Rivas charged with firing shots out truck window at stranger

21-year-old Isileli Rivas, a Fort Campbell soldier, was jailed on May 1 after police say he fired shots from a vehicle on Brady Drive near Dover Road. Leonard Coleman told police the Ford F-250 which was driven by Paul Allen, and was pulling a trailer, was firing multiple shots out the window at various places and at him. Officers located the truck, which was also occupied by passenger Tyler Ready. A pistol was located in the vehicle, along with another firearm and spent shell casings. All three were transported to the station and during an interview, both Allen and Ready stated that Rivas just started shooting from the back seat as they were traveling.  

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DUI: Gerrica James drank Hennessy and smoked marijuana before driving

27-year-old Gerrica James was jailed on April 29th for driving while drunk and high on Andrew Drive. Police responded to a call from a citizen advising that a drunk driver was following her. Police initiated a traffic stop at the intersection of Andrew Drive and Ambrose Drive, where James was driving a red 2015 Dodge Charger. Police could smell alcohol coming from inside and observed James behind the wheel with red eyes. She was moving in slow motion and admitted to drinking three shots of Hennessy within the hour of the incident. She performed poorly on sobriety tests and admitted to being high as she smoked marijuana a few hours before the incident.

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DUI: Soldier Colby Taylor-Hill crashes into another car, leaves the scene

21-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Colby Taylor-Hill crashed into another vehicle on the evening of April 27 on Fort Campbell Blvd and initially fled the scene, leaving the car damaged. A few minutes later, while police were out with the impacted vehicle, Colby called 911 to say he was in an accident and agreed to meet at the nearby store. Officers say he reeked of alcohol and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He later blew a 0.128% BAC on a breathalyzer.

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Police Officer Jarreil Peoples attacks woman with AK-47; kicks her in face through window

Embattled Police Officer Jarreil Peoples, 36, was jailed late Sunday night after assaulting the mother of his child with his feet after kicking through a window, brandishing an AK-47 rifle, and bodyslamming her. Peoples, who was fired from the Clarksville Police Department in 2020 after allegedly having sex in his patrol car with the same victim, and having nudes on his city-issued cell phone, has since found a new home with the Springfield, TN, police department, who overlooked his questionable ethics… details inside.

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Soldier Michael Krusenoski charged with DUI while driving white Dodge Charger

Police observed 23-year-old Soldier Michael Krusenoski swerving in and out of lanes from Providence Boulevard to Fort Cambell Boulevard near Old Mill Road, where they pulled him over for a traffic stop. As he stepped out of his white Dodge Charger, police saw the visible indicators of intoxication and could smell alcohol coming from his body. He slurred his speech as he consented to perform sobriety tests and later blew a .171 BAC on the breathalyzer.

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Tara Close charged after drunkenly trying to get out of a car on the interstate

44-year-old Tara Close was jailed on April 30th after trying to get out of a moving vehicle on I-24. Police spoke with Close, who said she was returning from Nashville with her sister and her sister’s friends. She was slurring her speech and unsteady on her feet. Officers could smell alcohol coming from her as she explained that she was arguing with the other women in the car and wanted to get out. She said they dropped off one of the women on Peachers Mill, and she finally jumped out. The driver told police that close tried to open the door multiple times while driving on I-24. She refused to follow the officer’s instructions during the investigation and was placed into custody.

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Soldier Justin Cruz blows 0.146% BAC on breathalyzer after 2 a.m. DUI

26-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Justin Cruz was jailed on April 30th after police observed him swerving on Fort Campbell in his white Honda Civic. After police pulled him over, they could smell alcohol coming from the vehicle and noted his red, glossy, bloodshot eyes. Cruz agreed to field sobriety tests and performed poorly. At booking, he blew 0.146% BAC on a breathalyzer. Cruz has no prior DUI history.

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Soldier Eddie Brown pulled his penis out in front of magistrate and urinated on floor after arrest

A patron of the troubled Electric Cowboy flagged down nearby police in the early morning hours of April 30 to report his friend, 22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Eddie Brown, was about to drive away after drinking heavily, and they were unable to stop him. Officers located Brown in his Nissan Sentra after he drove up beside them as they were searching for him in the parking lot. He admitted, through slurred words, that he had been drinking prior to driving. Inside his Sentra, officers found two open bottles of Seagram’s Escapes Italian Ice alcoholic drinks. Brown had a mouth full of chewing tobacco, which he was ordered to spit out before being placed into the patrol car.

Brown waited until he was in the back of the patrol car and then spit it up onto the back seat. Not quite finished, Brown then pulled his penis from his pants and doused the rear of the patrol car in urine. Once at booking, while standing at the magistrate’s window, Brown recreated the scene from the car and once again pulled out his penis and urinated all over the floor. A the time of his arrest, Brown was out on bond from a February DUI arrest.

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Andrew Blyzes passes out behind wheel; pants down; fresh poop outside his door

Officers encountered 21-year-old Andrew Blyzes on Albright Road just before 5 a.m. on April 30. He was slumped over the wheel of his red Chevrolet truck with his pants around his ankles. As officers stopped to check on his welfare they noticed a fresh pile of human feces just outside the driver’s door. Blyzes was awakened after a couple of minutes and opened his door, which contained a firearm. He admitted to having “a few” alcoholic beverages prior to driving and performed poorly on field sobriety tests.

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