Clarksville Psychiatrist pleads guilty to making false statements to medicare & tricare

A Clarksville, Tennessee psychiatrist pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court to two counts of making false statements relating to health care matters, announced U.S. Attorney Henry C. Leventis. Dr. James Maures Dodson, 57, pleaded guilty to making false statements to Medicare and TRICARE in connection with two types of criminal activity.  First, he caused his practice, Clarksville Behavioral Health (CBH), to submit claims for services he did not provide.  On several dates between August 16, 2016, and December 10, 2018, he caused CBH to submit claims for more than 24 hours of services per day.

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Fort Campbell Soldier Nathan Embers shoots himself in pinky finger

21-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Nathaniel Embers shot himself in the pinky finger on April 22. He was with family at a local AirBNB in downtown Clarksville when he brought a 9 mm Taurus handgun into the kitchen, where Del Carmen, Emma Opsal, Eric Opsal, Samantha Embers, W. Embers, Dabney Noble, and Richard Noble were all present. Nathan reportedly checked the gun to make sure it was clear and then began to load the gun when he shot himself in the finger. The round went through his pinky, then struck the kitchen island and cabinet.

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Fort Campbell soldier Kenley Chadwick charged in 4 AM DUI after “one beer”

Police say 22-year-old Soldier Kenley Chadwick ran through a red light on Madison Street just before 4 a.m. on April 23. A traffic stop was conducted, and he was observed to be visibly intoxicated and reeking of alcohol. He stated he had “one beer” earlier in the evening and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He was transported to booking and charged with driving under the influence after a brief stop at Sango ER for a blood draw.

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Soldier Stephen Habisreitinger goes buck wild in Dick’s Sporting Goods in Clarksville

27-year-old Fort Campbell E-3 Soldier Stephen Habisreitinger was jailed on April 22 after causing a drunken scene inside Dick’s Sporting Goods in Clarksville. The store manager called 911 after the soldier, who reeked of alcohol, was disturbing other customers and store employees. Officers arrived and observed Stephen making statements that were incoherent and not relevant to the context of the situation. He was unable to provide a number for anyone to pick him up, so he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

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Vivian Williams tosses a bottle of Jameson through rear window, slashes two tires

28-year-old Vivian Williams was jailed on April 24 on an outstanding warrant charging her with vandalism. Police say she went to the home of Ms. Mozingo uninvited and began to yell and scream at her. Ms. Mozingo attempted to get her purse in order to leave so the situation didn’t escalate. As she walked toward her car, Vivian reportedly threw a bottle of Jameson Whiskey through the rear window, shattering it. She also slashed and shredded her two front tires.

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Ryan Collins: pants around ankles, laughing and gasping at 2:30 AM

Police received calls about 29-year-old Ryan Collins just before 2:30 a.m. Sunday, stating he was running down Morrison Drive with his pants around his ankles while laughing and gasping. Officers made contact with Collins as he emerged from behind a house and noted his extreme level of intoxication from some substance. Collins believed he was near the Night Deposit, but was nowhere in that area. He advised he had a syringe, and officers retrieved it, and police believe it contained heroin. His pants were returned to their proper position, and he was transported to jail.

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Paul Neal crashes vehicle during overdose; claims he only had “a bowl of weed”

25-year-old Paul Neal was the driver of a black sedan that witnesses say ran off the roadway on Fort Campbell Blvd on April 24, struck a pole, and then continued back onto the roadway. As he fled, he could not stay in a single lane, and by the time police arrived, he had stopped the vehicle along the roadway and was laid out on the road. Officers say he was losing consciousness as they arrived, and they quickly administered Narcan, which revived Neal. Neal stated someone run him off the roadway, and he was just trying to park. He adamantly denied any narcotic use and claimed he only “smoke a bowl of weed” today.

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Elijah Cox attacks his girlfriend, who tossed his Oreo cookies

21-year-old Elijah Cox is charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Jade Rothermel, on April 13 after she tossed his Oreo cookies into the hallway during an argument. The couple of one year had an argument in the bedroom, and she told him to leave so she could get dressed. Elijah stated he wanted to get some things from the room first, and they continued to argue. She then tossed his cookies, resulting in Elijah smacking her in the face and knocking her onto the bed. He then gathered his things and fled the house before police arrived.

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Shalyn Phelps attacks & pepper-sprays man who backed into her car at Walmart

Police say 30-year-old Shalyn Phelps assaulted a man who backed into her vehicle at the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Whitfield Road on April 4. Phelps says Daniel Ritche carelessly backed into her car, and that’s when she exited her vehicle and began to bang on his truck windows. Ritchie exited his truck, and Phelps began to attack him, landing some punches to his face. When he pushed her away, she pepper-sprayed him. Officers documented blood and scratches on the victim’s face.

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Soldier Antonio Carlisle charged with DUI on I-24

Police say 22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Antonio Carlisle was found in his 2012 Volkswagen Golf on I-24 in the early morning hours of April 17, passed out behind the wheel when officers arrived. After multiple attempts, Carlisle was finally awoken, and he was in a state of confusion, not knowing where he was or what was happening. Through slurred speech, he admitted to drinking “one beer” an hour prior to driving. He alerted the officer to a loaded Glock 43x which he was holstered near his groin. It was retrieved, and Carlisle was taken into custody.

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Christopher Clouser charged with stalking his adult daughter

48-year-old Christopher Clouser was jailed on April 17, charged with stalking his daughter, Araceli Clouser. She says she has been receiving unwanted calls and texts from her father, despite being told multiple times to stop. More recently, he has begun to appear at the Austin Peay campus, where Araceli attends school, in attempts to locate and talk to her. She says he’s also made threats to harm her pets if she does not move out of her boyfriend’s house and return home to live. On April 17, he reportedly left unwanted gifts at her residence, including a raised garden bed she had built and left at his home, including a signed charge to her from ‘dad.’

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Kat’leona Corey assaults roommate with phone charger; scratches face & arms

20-year-old Kat’leona Corey was jailed on April 12th after reportedly assaulting her roommate Christine Vogelsang at their home on Tandy Drive. Police responded and spoke to Christine, who said she and Ms. Corey had gotten into an argument earlier in the day, which police were called for, and it started back up again. She said that Ms. Corey started swinging her phone charger at her face, and when she grabbed the charger, Ms. Corey scratched her arms and face.

Police were able to see scratches on Christine’s face and arms. She told Ms. Corey she would call the police, and they both went to their separate bedrooms. Ms. Corey told police that she and Christine argued earlier in the day about her power being turned off but wasn’t sure how she got scratched. Police determined Ms. Corey to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody. When she arrived at booking, the jail conducted a search and found marijuana in her bag.

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Sheriff’s Deputy Joseph Foster charged in assault of lover at Clarksville Bar

42-year-old Nashville Sheriff’s Deputy Joseph Foster was jailed on April 12th after assaulting a woman that he is in a sexual relationship with. Police responded to Mr. Billy’s Bar, where Mr. Foster initially claimed he was assaulted. When police reviewed the camera footage, there was no evidence of the incident. Police questioned the victim, Melissa Rodriguez, and witnesses, who said Mr. Foster followed them outside while making threats toward them, noting he works for the Sherrif’s Department. Then he walked towards Ms. Rodriguez and pushed her. She pushed him back and punched him in self-defense. In a statement, the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office stated Foster has been “removed from duty pending the outcome of this criminal investigation.”

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Cassandra May charged in assault of boyfriend, Dalton Duckett

24-year-old Cassandra May was jailed on April 12th after an argument turned violent with her boyfriend at their home on Connemara Way. Police spoke with May, who said that during the argument, Dalton Duckett leaned over her while she was sitting in a chair and yelled at her, so she slapped him in the face. After the slap, he reportedly pushed her so hard that the chair flipped over. Dalton told the police that he pushed her to get away.

May then called the police, got in her parent’s car, and started to drive out of the driveway when Dalton reached into the car and turned it off. May bit him on his shoulder when he reached into the car. Police could see the bite mark and scratches on his body. Dalton told police he turned the car off because he didn’t want May driving while she was upset. May gave up, moved the vehicle onto the side of the road, and waited for the police to arrive. Police determined she was the primary aggressor due to Dalton’s injuries, and she was transported to booking.

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Dawna Thompson charged with embezzlement from The People’s Clinic

49-year-old Dawna Thompson was booked last week on an outstanding warrant from February after stealing thousands of dollars from her employer. Police responded to The People’s Clinic and spoke to the owner, who said he discovered Dawna, his former bookkeeper, had been stealing thousands of dollars from the company’s bank account for over a year.

On November 28th, 2022, she made an unauthorized Amazon purchase totaling $477.35 and another separate purchase of $272.66. On December 5th, 2022, she made three more separate Amazon purchases totaling $302.09, $54.64, and $120.44. Ms. Thompson used the company bank card to purchase all of her personal items on the company’s Amazon Account and had all the items shipped to her address under her mother’s name. Ms. Thompson told police that she did misuse the card in the past, but she always repaid the money. The company stated that they never authorized Ms. Thompson to make any purchases with the company’s bank card.

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DUI: Soldier Murphy Brown found asleep behind the wheel at 2 a.m.

Police say 32-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Murphy Brown was asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle at 2 a.m. on April 14 at Peachers Mill Road / Millstone Circle. Responding officers say the seat was reclined, and he seemed to be comfortably sleeping. A knock on the window awakened Brown, who opened the door. He reportedly smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot and watery eyes. He was unsteady when exiting his vehicle. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking.

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DUI: Weston Briggle had 4 beers and 2 shots before driving with 2 children in vehicle

39-year-old Weston Briggle was jailed on April 8th after he flipped his Kia on Mountain Road with two children inside. Police responded to the crash site and saw the Kia flipped on its roof and all passengers outside the vehicle. When police spoke to Briggle, they could smell alcohol coming from him, and his eyes were a bit bloodshot. There was an open container of Coors Light in the car, and police asked Briggle if he had consumed any alcohol which he replied that he had at least four beers and two shots within the last hour. He agreed to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and was transported to booking. He had his three-year-old child and his girlfriend’s 14-year-old daughter in the car with him during the crash.

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